Las Vegas Review-Journal

High court hears takings case


The Senate on Monday opened hearings on the nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the U.S. Supreme Court. Meanwhile, the eight sitting justices heard arguments in a case that highlights why Judge Gorsuch would be a valuable addition to the panel.

The case involves a dispute out of Wisconsin that offers the court the opportunit­y to strengthen property rights protection­s and limit the regulatory state’s ability to impose arbitrary rules that devalue private property.

Embedded in the Bill of Rights are provisions acknowledg­ing the nexus between property rights and individual freedom. The Fifth Amendment not only prohibits the government from depriving American citizens of “life, liberty or property, without due process,” it also proscribes the government from taking property “for public use, without just compensati­on.”

The infamous Kelo v. New London case in 2005 blew a huge hole in that constituti­onal protection. “Public use” had typically been interprete­d to mean that the government could seize land to build something like a road, school or firehouse. In Kelo, however, the liberal justices — joined by Anthony Kennedy — sanctioned the use of eminent domain to confiscate a woman’s home and turn it over to another private owner for the purposes of generating more tax dollars through redevelopm­ent.

In dissent, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor got it right. The decision, she wrote, obliterate­s “any distinctio­n between private and public use of property — and thereby effectivel­y deletes the words ‘for public use’ from the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment.”

In the Wisconsin case, the court has a chance to undo a tiny bit of the damage done to the takings clause in Kelo.

The issue involves the Murr family who owned two adjacent plots of land since the 1960s along the St. Croix River. One parcel featured a cabin while the other tract was empty and held as an investment property. The family eventually sought to sell the vacant lot to pay for improvemen­ts on the other property, but county officials stepped in and decreed that the tracts were considered a single parcel under regulation­s passed in the 1970s to limit developmen­t.

The Murrs demanded they be compensate­d for the second lot because the county had effectivel­y prevented them from selling it or building on it. They’re correct. Using the regulatory state to prohibit a property owner from using his own land is no less a taking than if the county were to seize it for a highway. In both cases, the owner deserves just compensati­on.

The Associated Press reported Monday that the liberal justices appeared inclined to side with bureaucrat­ic power and against property rights. Questions from the rightleani­ng justices indicated the opposite. Were Judge Gorsuch on the bench to hear this case, chances are good he’d choose the Constituti­on over the bloated administra­tive state.

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