Las Vegas Review-Journal

Deliberati­ons continue in trial of officer

- By Steve Karnowski The Associated Press

ST. PAUL, Minn. — A jury deliberati­ng a manslaught­er charge against a Minnesota police officer in the death of a black motorist was struggling to reach agreement on Wednesday, ending its third day without a verdict after a judge’s order to continue trying.

Jury deliberati­ons began Monday in the manslaught­er trial of Officer Jeronimo Yanez, who shot 32-yearold Philando Castile during a July 6 traffic stop in a St. Paul suburb after Castile informed the officer that he was carrying a gun. Castile had a permit for the firearm.

Yanez, attorneys and family members for both Yanez and Castile returned to court Wednesday afternoon, leading to speculatio­n a verdict had been reached. Judge William Leary, without explanatio­n, re-read a portion of the jury instructio­ns to jurors and told them to resume talks.

The material dealt with jurors carefully considerin­g and re-examining their views and their duty to “deliberate with a view toward reaching agreement.”

The hearing took just a couple of minutes. The jury went back to continue deliberati­ons but broke for the day soon after without a verdict. Deliberati­ons will resume Thursday.

On Tuesday, jurors requested another look at the dashcam video captured by Yanez’s squad car that shows the shooting. The jury also watched a replay of the video that Castile’s girlfriend, Diamond Reynolds, livestream­ed on Facebook.

Defense attorneys contend the 29-year-old Latino officer saw Castile reach for his weapon, that Yanez was scared for his life and was justified in shooting Castile. Prosecutor­s insist Yanez never saw a gun and had plenty of options short of shooting Castile, an elementary school cafeteria worker they say was never a threat.

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