Las Vegas Review-Journal

Woman feels steamrolle­d by her in-laws


DEAR ABBY: My in-laws live in an apartment above our garage. It was a compromise with my husband.

They now want to move Grandma into a trailer in our backyard! I am totally against it, and have voiced my opinion loudly.

My husband isn’t capable of saying no to his parents. I have a feeling they are going to move forward with this plan regardless of my objections. I feel completely disrespect­ed in my own home. Any advice? — Disrespect­ed in Ohio

DEAR DISRESPECT­ED: You have a right to be respected in your home.

Put your foot down and tell your husband that his parents living there was all the compromise you are willing to make. If he can’t summon the strength to tell his parents “NO!” then you will have to do it for him. If that doesn’t put a stop to it, ask a respected friend or religious adviser to mediate.

DEAR ABBY: My husband and I endured months of trying and multiple trips to a specialist before we conceived our daughter. My due date was Dec. 23, and I worried that she would be born on Christmas Day. Lo and behold, our precious baby girl joined us early Christmas morning.

Looking back now, I wouldn’t change a thing. I know it’s silly to worry because we have a happy, healthy girl. But how can I respond to people — strangers included — when they say how “sad” it is that my daughter was born on Christmas and will get stiffed on presents, and I should have timed my pregnancy better? — Blessed in New York

DEAR BLESSED: If anyone is so insensitiv­e as to imply that you should have timed your pregnancy differentl­y, you could respond that you feel lucky to have gotten pregnant at all. Then tell them you wouldn’t change a thing because being born on Christmas Day puts her in good company.

And as to receiving presents, consider doing what other parents have done: Choose a date in June and celebrate her Half-birthday.

DEAR ABBY: Iamagay man. My friend “Brian” and I have known each other for 10 years. We dated for a while but realized we are better off as friends. We have lived together for the past several years and are now considerin­g getting married because my job has better benefits. Is a marriage of convenienc­e legal? — Going to the Chapel?

DEAR GOING: Marriages of convenienc­e have been happening since marriage was invented. That said, this is a question you should address to a lawyer to make sure that, if you decide to marry Brian, you’ll be going to the chapel instead of the hoosegow for insurance fraud.

Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at www. or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

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