Las Vegas Review-Journal

Political speech

Rep. Rosen celebrates censorship

- Gordon Soeder Las Vegas Tom Keller Henderson

WE’RE still 18 months out from the 2017 midterm elections, but the Jacky Rosen PR machine has been whirring and humming for weeks now. Rep. Rosen, a Las Vegas Democrat, was elected to her first term in the House less than a year ago but has already decided — with a nudge from Harry Reid — that she’s ready to challenge Republican Sen. Dean Heller.

On Thursday, Rep. Rosen touted an early endorsemen­t from End Citizens United, a Democratic political action committee that rails against money in politics. “I’m grateful to End Citizens United for their support,” Rep. Rosen said, “and I will be their partner in the fight against mega-donors flooding our elections with unlimited and unaccounta­ble dark money.”

That certainly sounds like a noble endeavor. But it’s worth pointing out that in their quest to stop “evil” corporatio­ns from supporting political causes, Rep. Rosen and End Citizens United openly seek to rewrite the Bill of Rights to allow the government to ban political pamphlets, books and movies.

End Citizens United takes its name from the 2010 U.S. Supreme Court case — Citizens United v. FEC — concerning an independen­t filmmaker who sought to advertise and air a movie critical of Hillary Clinton during the 2008 Democratic presidenti­al primaries. Federal authoritie­s prevented the movie from being shown, however, because the 2002 Mccain-feingold campaign finance law prohibited certain “electionee­ring communicat­ions” within 30 days of a primary or 60 days of a general election.

Such federal censorship makes a mockery of the First Amendment — and a majority of the U.S. Supreme Court agreed. The justices ruled 5-4 that the law’s provisions restrictin­g independen­t political expenditur­es violated the Constituti­on’s free speech protection­s.

Progressiv­es have been wringing their hands over the decision ever since. Their latest gambit is to propose a constituti­onal amendment to overturn Citizens United and a handful of other Supreme Court decisions regarding campaign spending. In other words, they seek to amend the Bill of Rights — specifical­ly the First Amendment — for the first time in the nation’s history in order to allow federal bureaucrat­s to censor political speech.

Rep. Rosen now eagerly embraces this movement.

This is not alarmist hyperbole. During the original oral arguments in the Citizen United case, the deputy solicitor general of the United States argued that the Mccain-feingold law could indeed be used to not only censor a political film, but also to ban books.

Any serious effort to limit money in politics would acknowledg­e that the real enemy is a federal government which recognizes few limits on its constituti­onal powers, sowing the seeds for special pleaders looking to influence the political process. Instead, Democrats set their sights on mandates that will inevitably undermine free expression.

Why does Jacky Rosen believe that allowing the government to suppress politicall­y themed books comports with the ideals of a free society?

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Fax 702-383-4676 determined parents should put the seats in the back of the car and tailor them to the size of the child.

With the children in the back seat, parents began to prove the saying “out of sight, out of mind” — and children began to die. Now, not only does the government mandate an ideal situation for children, but parents became felons. Problem solved? Hell, no. Let’s require carmakers to include an alarm system. God bless our government.

Remember: I’m from the government, and I’m here to help you, whether you need or want it — or else. such as the manned space program ($19 billion a year) and subsidies for solar power generation and other special interests can still be justified.

The problem is not a humanitari­an one. It’s choosing where to spend limited funds.

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