Las Vegas Review-Journal

‘Cuts’ and President Trump’s federal budget


REMEMBER President Trump’s “terrible” budget cuts? “Promises Little but Pain,” warned The New York Times. “Harsh and shortsight­ed,” cried The Washington Post.

Then Congress passed a budget. President Trump signed it. Do you notice the “pain”?

I follow the news closely, but until I researched this column, I didn’t know that Congress actually raised spending on the very agencies Trump wanted to cut.

Trump called for a $4.7 billion cut to the Agricultur­e Department. Congress increased the department’s appropriat­ion by $12.8 billion. He called for a $15 billion cut to Health and Human Services. Congress instead gave the department $2.8 billion more. Trump wanted a $6.2 billion cut to Housing and Urban Developmen­t. Congress gave HUD a half-billion-dollar increase. Trump wanted the Commerce Department’s budget cut by $1.4 billion. Congress made no cut.

And so on.

Why wasn’t that news? Because in Washington, and in the media’s eyes, spending increases are expected. And cuts are always “terrible.” America continues on its road to bankruptcy.

What will those department­s do with their new money? The Agricultur­e Department says its mission is to “promote agricultur­al production that better nourishes Americans.” Politician­s claim we need the department to guarantee an adequate food supply. Nonsense.

Because of the free market, agricultur­al entreprene­urs provide plenty of food. Fruit and vegetable farmers rarely get subsidies, but there are ample supplies of fruits and vegetables. We don’t need an Agricultur­e Department any more than we need a Hollywood movie department or iphone department.

Most of what the department does is corporate welfare. America’s richest corn and grain farmers collect most of the money. Politician­s eagerly give money to people who visit their offices and pour out tales of need. So the corporate welfare continues.

Congress ignored Trump’s request to cut the Commerce Department, too. Commerce’s biggest program is NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheri­c Administra­tion. NOAA pushes climate change alarmism, producing PSAS that warn Arctic ice is “thinning at an alarming rate!” If that’s a problem, NOAA’S spending won’t stop it. NOAA’S bureaucrat­s got caught buying a $300,000 yacht — and using it to go fishing.

Department officials say what they do is “critical.” I’m sure they help some politicall­y savvy companies, but their claim ignores the good things your money would have done had it stayed in the private sector. Maybe a new Steve Jobs would have invented a … I don’t know. We’ll never know, because government grabbed the money.

President Trump seems to understand that government wastes money, but after proposing cuts to some department­s, he was eager to increase military spending. So Congress did. The military got the biggest increase. Defense, at least, is a proper role of government. But our current military is wasteful and involved in needless entangleme­nts.

We spend as much as the next seven countries combined — eight times more than Russia spends. Many of the missions our politician­s give the military — interventi­ons in places such as Iraq, Libya and Syria — made us less safe by destabiliz­ing the Middle East and creating new terrorists.

Congress should cut spending to the military and to the department­s Trump wanted to cut. But politician­s almost never cut. Despite all those headlines about “harsh,” “painful,” “terrible” cuts, government increased spending again.

Later this year, the national debt will reach $20 trillion. Yet Congress appropriat­ed more — a Republican-majority Congress.

Politician­s sure are generous with other people’s money.

John Stossel is author of “No They Can’t! Why Government Fails — But Individual­s Succeed.”

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