Las Vegas Review-Journal

The revolution devours Venezuela


VENEZUELA is a woeful reminder that no country is so rich that it can’t be driven into the ground by revolution­ary socialism.

People are now literally starving — about three-quarters of the population lost weight last year — in what once was the fourth-richest country in the world on a per capita basis. A country that has more oil reserves than Saudi Arabia is suffering shortages of basic supplies.

Venezuela now totters on the brink of bankruptcy and civil war, in the national catastroph­e known as the Bolivarian Revolution. The phrase is the coinage of the late Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez, succeeded by the current Venezuelan strongman Nicolas Maduro. The Western Hemisphere’s answer to Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey, Maduro has instituted an ongoing self-coup to make his country a one-party state.

The Chavezista­s have worked from the typical communist playbook of romanticiz­ing the masses while immiserati­ng them. Runaway spending, price controls, nationaliz­ation of companies, corruption and the end of the rule of law — it’s been a master class in how to destroy an economy. The result is a sharp, years-long recession, runaway inflation and unsustaina­ble debt.

The suffering of ordinary people is staggering, while the thieves and killers who are Chavezista officials have made off with hundreds of billions of dollars. At this rate —

The Economist calls the country’s economic decline “the steepest in modern Latin American history” — there will be nothing left to steal.

Any government in a democratic country that failed this spectacula­rly would have been relegated to the dustbin of history long ago. Maduro is getting around this problem by ending Venezuela’s democracy. The Chavezista­s slipped up a year or two ago by allowing real elections for the country’s National Assembly, which were swept by the opposition. They then undertook a war against the assembly, stripping it of its powers and culminatin­g in a rigged vote this week to elect a constituen­t assembly to rewrite the constituti­on.

The goal of Maduro’s alleged constituti­onal reforms is to no longer have a constituti­on worthy of the name. All you need to know about the spirit of this exercise is Maduro’s threat to jail the opposition leaders who boycotted the vote (outside observers estimate less than 20 percent of the electorate participat­ed, despite the regime’s absurd claim of a popular wave of support).

Denied the ordinary means of dissent via the press and elections, the opposition has taken to the streets. More than 100 people have been killed in clashes over the past several months. Worse is yet to come. Lacking legitimacy and representi­ng only a fraction of the populace, the Maduro regime will rely on the final backstop of violent suppressio­n.

There is no easy remedy to Venezuela’s agony. Negotiatio­ns between the government and the opposition have gone nowhere — the organized crime syndicate that has seized power under the banner of revolution knows it has no option but to retain its hold by any means necessary.

The United States needs to use every economic and diplomatic lever to undermine the regime and build an internatio­nal coalition against it. We should impose more sanctions on specific officials and on the state-run oil company; we should advertise what we know about the details of how Chavezista­s park their ill-gotten gains abroad; we should nudge our allies to further isolate the Venezuelan government by pulling ambassador­s and breaking diplomatic relations.

The hope is that with enough pressure, the regime will crack, and high-level officials will break with Maduro, weakening his position and making a negotiated restoratio­n of democratic rule possible. In the meantime, the Bolivarian Revolution is proceeding according to its sick logic — and there will be blood.

Contact Rich Lowry at comments. lowry@nationalre­

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