Las Vegas Review-Journal

Trumpvote didn’t matter


Nobody should care that the writer of the July 28 letter “Why I voted for Trump” cast his vote for the Republican candidate.

We have this crazy, racist Electoral College system that eliminated the possibilit­y of the writer’s vote ever influencin­g the result of the 2016 presidenti­al election. Nevada’s six electors all voted for Hillary Clinton, so the writer’s vote did not count.

The voters responsibl­e for making a narcissist­ic megalomani­ac president of what used to be the greatest country in the world were the disgruntle­d voters in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvan­ia.

How did Donald Trump convince the reliably Democratic voters in those three states to vote for him? He sold them a bill of goods.

He said he was going to bring jobs back to America — jobs the country had lost to China and other countries. He hasn’t.

He said he would repeal Obamacare and replace it with something great. His efforts to repeal have failed, because he has no plans for its replacemen­t other than to give huge tax breaks to rich people like himself and his relatives and friends.

He said he would make America great again. Well, did you notice that the other leaders in the recent G-20 meeting openly avoided him like he was some sort of pariah?

He said he would be the greatest deal-maker ever. He hasn’t closed on any major deal.

The reason we have Trump as our president is that a lot of people who would have and should have voted for Clinton voted for Trump. Those people may not be stupid, but they were gullible.

They’ve been snookered.

Plain and simple.

Cesar Lumba, Las Vegas

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