Las Vegas Review-Journal



Cohn, the chief economic adviser, and Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary. The most populist adviser in Trump’s inner circle, Stephen Bannon, was forced out last month.

Bannon’s parting words, to a conservati­ve journalist: “The Trump presidency that we fought for, and won, is over.”

While Bannon’s meaning has been widely debated, what’s clear is that the broad notion Trump shared with him — remaking the Grand Old Party as the new nationalis­t party of the American worker — is, at the very least, in doubt. Even as Trump has attacked Republican leaders in Congress, his foreign and domestic policies largely have followed traditiona­l party tracks — hawkish and pro-big business, partial to cutting both taxes and safety-net programs.

In a recent interview, Bannon clarified that his statement was not an obituary for Trumpian populism but rather a “call to arms” to “galvanize people with a shocking statement.”

“I want to say it more dramatical­ly: This will happen unless we rally around and help Trump save what the original concept of his presidency was,” he said.

Many Democrats, whose shock at Trump’s victory quickly turned to fear that, as president, he could break their longstandi­ng claim to be the working-class party, now are openly less worried, even sanguine.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachuse­tts, one of the Democratic Party’s leading liberals, is among those who thought Trump had an opportunit­y to redefine Republican­ism. She said she would work with him if she thought he would truly help workers.

But, Warren said, she was dissuaded by his early orders lifting regulation­s on the coal industry, lenders and other businesses in the name of promoting jobs, thereby leaving workers exposed to dangerous chemicals and making mortgages more expensive.

“These are always points down in the weeds, but it’s down in the weeds where the needs of middle class get cut off,” Warren said.

Trump railed against Wall Street during the campaign, then “turned around and named a whole team of Goldman Sachs bankers, and then handed over the keys to the economy to them,” she said.

Bannon sees partial victories in Trump’s actions on immigratio­n and trade. Even if the president has not taken as hard a line on either issue as he did in his campaign, he has decisively broken with longtime Republican dogma, Bannon said. Trump has abandoned pending internatio­nal trade pacts and reopened negotiatio­ns on existing deals and moved to slash both legal and illegal immigratio­n.

Still, populists saw an opportunit­y for a more fundamenta­l political shakeup that would have aligned those on the left and right and driven a wedge through the Democratic Party. The core policies of such a realignmen­t would have included rebuilding the nation’s infrastruc­ture and taxing the wealthy to pay for it, avoiding foreign conflicts and protecting safety net programs, including Medicaid.

Bannon, for example, had argued against an upper-income tax cut when he was in the White House. By contrast, Trump’s tax speech last week in Springfiel­d, Mo., cheered C-suite types but sparked outrage from some far-right allies. “It’s like Night of the Living Dead watching our beloved @realdonald­trump go to DC & start babbling the same old GOP nonsense on tax cuts,” Ann Coulter declared on Twitter.

The president’s direction on tax cuts was even less likely to appeal to Democrats or the working-class voters who’d often supported them.

Party realignmen­ts like the one that Bannon and other Trump backers envisioned require extraordin­ary political talent, said William M. Daley, who was White House chief of staff to President Barack Obama and Commerce secretary to President Bill Clinton. Clinton showed that skill in co-opting Republican­s’ positions on deficit reduction, trade deals and the shrinking of the welfare state, against his party’s orthodoxy, Daley said.

For Trump, “what he would have to do to get Democrats to the table would put him at risk with a lot of his Republican people,” Daley said.

That was on example this week, when Trump cut a deal on the debt ceiling with Democrats and immediatel­y came under fire from the right.

Policies aside, Trump’s potential for inroads into the populist left also has been greatly diminished by his pugnacious personalit­y. In particular, he has lost ground by his racially divisive rhetoric and actions, notably his response to the violent white supremacis­ts’ march in Charlottes­ville, Va., in July and, in January, his unsuccessf­ul order banning travelers and refugees from some Muslim-majority countries.

There was a faction in the White House “that actually had some of the policies that we would have supported on trade and infrastruc­ture, but they turned out to be racist,” Richard Trumka, the president of the AFL-CIO, said during a recent breakfast with reporters.

“On the other hand, you had people that weren’t racist. But they were Wall Street. And the Wall Streeters began to dominate the administra­tion and has moved his agenda back to everything that I think they fought against in the election.”

Some Trump allies contend he could have gotten Democrats to vote with him early on had he started with an infrastruc­ture package rather than attempting to repeal what Democrats consider their signature achievemen­t of the Obama years, the Affordable Care Act.

“Had they gone for infrastruc­ture — ready-made jobs, getting America working again, not just a couple factory openings,” said former campaign adviser Sam Nunberg, “... everything would have changed.”

Many Trump advisers, however, were convinced they needed to tackle Obamacare first to keep establishm­ent Republican­s within their fragile coalition. And many in Trump’s administra­tion never believed Democrats would vote for anything that had Trump’s name on it.

“Because it’s President Trump’s idea, you get many people who won’t even listen to the second sentence,” said White House counselor Kellyanne Conway.

Other problems reflect Trump’s unique status as a true outsider, the first president with neither political nor military experience. He has few allies in Congress who share his populist vision, no well-developed policy initiative­s, no Washington think tanks to fill the void and little infrastruc­ture to sustain a movement capable of governance. That forced him to staff his administra­tion with a mix of traditiona­l conservati­ves, business executives and generals unfamiliar with the political and legislativ­e arena.

“There aren’t enough Trumpians to fit in a phone booth, and the few that there are don’t have credential­s, even for this administra­tion,” said Ramesh Ponnuru, a scholar at the conservati­ve American Enterprise Institute.

As a result, Trump has had to rely on Congress’ Republican leaders, whom he did not fully trust and who did not trust him: Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell and others with traditiona­l, business-oriented views of party policy.

Trump’s own inexperien­ce and impatience with both policy details and the legislativ­e process is proving a big handicap, observers say.

“Trump couldn’t stand up for his own populism,” said Geoffrey Kabaservic­e, author of a book on the modern Republican Party and former adviser to a moderate Republican group. “The populism has just been rhetorical at this point.”

Now that Trump is president, however, he’ll be judged by the results he achieves.

“The president will be judged — regardless if he’s Donald Trump the mogul, the magnate — he will be judged, and his base could potentiall­y be less loyal” if he fails to deliver for them, cautioned Nunberg, the former campaign aide.

That danger was evident in a focus group conducted last week in Pittsburgh by veteran Democratic pollster Peter D. Hart for Emory University. Trump, when he announced his abandonmen­t of the Paris climate accord in June, memorably said, “I was elected to represent the citizens of Pittsburgh, not Paris.”

The five Trump voters in the group of 12 all expressed disappoint­ment. Several said they were concerned about Trump’s personal behavior, especially his constant tweeting and picking fights. But there was also a sense that he had missed an opportunit­y.

Asked to name one thing that stood out from the first 200 days of his administra­tion, none of the focus group members named a positive achievemen­t.

Meantime, Bannon has launched a new fight to save his vision for populist revolution.

“The pressure on the working class is immense, and it comes from two sides,” he said. “It comes from the trade deals, and it comes from illegal immigratio­n, and that’s the Trump promise.”

At Bannon’s house, Patrick Howley, a former Breitbart News reporter now starting his own website, was holding a framed illustrati­on titled “Tug of War.” It shows Bannon pulling Trump’s feet toward bleachers labeled “campaign promises” while Trump’s White House advisers pull him toward a crowd labeled “establishm­ent.”

Howley was looking for a place on the wall to hang it.

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