Las Vegas Review-Journal

Think before you get yourself inked


We’ve warned you before that getting tattooed (it can be like having sex with everyone who’s used that tattoo artist before, without the fun) puts you at risk for chronic infections like hepatitis C. The inks can also trigger a permanent allergic reaction, cause tumors at the site of the tattoo, and invade lymph nodes.

But now, a study published in Scientific Reports looked into the lymph nodes of four people who had had tattoos and found that nanopartic­les of tattoo-related chemicals had collected there.

That’s concerning, because from the lymph nodes, toxic particles of such a small size can infiltrate all sorts of places in your body and inhibit your immune system.

We don’t yet know about long-term damage, but the writing’s on the — oh, you know.

So if you’re considerin­g a tattoo, take a moment to contemplat­e what might happen down the road when your body reacts to the toxic ink infiltrati­ng your tissue.

Let sleeping dogs — and their masters — lie

President John F. Kennedy’s family had several dogs that cuddled with Caroline and John-john while they were in Washington. Calvin Coolidge had nine canines lodged in the White House’s family quarters. And the Obamas’ Portuguese water dog, Bo, was allowed to sleep on the bed with the first lady when the president was out of town.

That’s not unusual; many people find comfort from having their pooch sleep on the bed. Unfortunat­ely, a new study of 40 pet-loving adults with no sleeping disorders finds that having your dog up on the mattress may prevent you from getting the restful sleep you need to be sharp the next day. But that doesn’t “put Fido in the doghouse.” The study published in Sleep Medicine found that having a dog snoozing in the room, just not on the bed, doesn’t pose any problem.

Ideally, you should be sound asleep for 85 percent of the time you’re in bed. People with a dog in the room are asleep about 83 percent of the time — an insignific­ant difference. And in truth, many people get far less sleep time than that because of insomnia, interactin­g with digital devices or aches and pains.

So if you’re not sleeping well, having a dog sleeping nearby may boost your health by improving your snooze time! The other benefits of owning a dog? It reduces blood pressure and protects against heart disease; motivates you to exercise, which promotes weight loss; and lowers stress.

Email questions for Mehmet Oz and Mike Roizen to youdocsdai­ly@sharecare. com.

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