Las Vegas Review-Journal

Greedy GOP

- Charles Parrish Las Vegas

Once again Victor Joecks is trying to scare people into accepting his point of view, this time on what is happening with the Affordable Care Act (Nov. 1 column). What has happened is that the Affordable Care Act is suffering from calculated neglect thanks to the Republican Congress and President Donald Trump.

Let me put it this way: Suppose you bought your dream car and then, as it aged, you neglected to perform any of the recommende­d service and maintenanc­e. And you neglected to take it in for any recalls that

may have occurred. Instead, you just kept driving it, and then one day things started to go wrong. The steering was all over the place, and the brakes failed when you needed to stop. The engine started to run rough, and it became hard to start. Well, this is the very same scenario that the Republican­s, in their greed and zeal to have everything their way, have foisted on the backs of the American public.

And in their misunderst­anding of the facts of health care, they think these actions will increase their chances of re-election to their cushy government paid-with-our-taxes jobs. Polls indicate that somewhere in the range of 70 percent of the public would like to keep their health care under the Affordable Care Act and would like to have its minor flaws fixed in a reasonable bipartisan way instead of letting it fail through neglect.

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