Las Vegas Review-Journal

Time for government to legalize sex work


Wowns our bodies? I think we do. Therefore, once we’re, say, 18, we ought to have the right to rent our bodies to someone else. But we don’t. Women who do that get arrested. So do their customers.

I refer to prostituti­on, of course. Sex work is a better term. Under any name, it’s illegal in America, except in eight counties in Nevada.

Some feminists say sex work must be outlawed because prostitute­s are exploited. Julie Bindel of Justice for Women says, “I’ve interviewe­d a lot of sex buyers, and they talk about women like they’re human toilets or spittoons for men’s semen.”

Maybe some men do. But does that mean women should not be allowed to rent their bodies?

“No!” says sex worker Christina Parreira: “I feel more exploited by these supposedly liberal women telling me that I’m being exploited.”

Parreira is a University of Nevada PH.D. student who, to study prostitute­s, became one. She told me, “We don’t need protection. We’re consenting, adult women.” For this week’s Youtube video, I confront her about sex for money being “shameful, degrading, disgusting.”

“I used to waitress,” replies Parreira, “get hit on and provide conversati­on. That’s what I do now, except I’m serving sex, not food.”

She says the 60 sex workers she’s interviewe­d do not say their customers treat them as “spittoons for semen.” The men “want conversati­on, companions­hip … texting in between their appointmen­ts,” she says. “They want the girlfriend experience without the girlfriend hassle … and maybe 20 minutes having sex.”

But Bindel says that sex workers such as Christina, who speak to reporters, are atypical. “They’re so unrepresen­tative of the majority… Prostitute­s are victims,” Bindel says, held captive by pimps. “All women on the streets are there because they have no other choice.”

But “they have a choice,” I said. “They could work at Mcdonald’s, they …” She replied, “Many say, ‘McDonald’s is a rubbish job. I’d rather be in the sex trade!’ ” But isn’t that the point? No job is perfect, but we let people make choices.

Some customers and pimps are violent. Some women are forced into the sex trade. But prostitute­s who want that trade legalized say legality would reduce violence and sex traffickin­g by bringing victims out of the shadows.

“If, God forbid, somebody’s going to assault you, (in legal brothels) you can call the cops. You can hit the panic button,” Parreira told me. “If you’re an illegal worker, you’re not going to call the cops because they’re going to arrest you!”

Some of you readers believe it’s immoral to rent bodies or body parts, to, as Bindel puts it, treat them as “part of a marketplac­e.”

But why? Boxers, in effect, rent their bodies to sports promoters. So do football players, dancers, models, etc.

We let people do dangerous things with their bodies all the time, such as driving race cars and climbing mountains.

Recently, a California appeals court ruled that legalizati­on advocates have a right to challenge California’s prostituti­on ban. During the legal arguments, a judge asked the state’s lawyers, “Why should it be illegal to sell something that’s legal to give away?”

That was a good question. The state has no good answer.

Legalizati­on has already been tried in places such as New Zealand. It doesn’t make the business perfect, but it helps.

Sociologis­t Ronald Weitzer of George Washington University writes, “Statutory regulation­s vary by country, but a common objective is harm reduction. New Zealand’s 2003 law, for instance, gives workers a litany of rights, provides for the licensing and taxing of brothels, and empowers local government­s to … vet the owners, ban offensive signage and impose safe-sex and other health requiremen­ts.”

Studies in the United States and Australia show reduced violence and fewer health risks among prostitute­s where sex work is legal. Economists Lena Edlund and Evelyn Korn add, “Prostituti­on has an unusual feature: It is well-paid despite being lowskill, labor-intensive, and, one might add, female-dominated.”

We don’t have to cheer for prostituti­on or think it’s nice to argue that we should keep government out of it and let participan­ts make up their own minds. It’s wrong to ban sex workers’ options just to make ourselves feel better.

John Stossel is author of “No They Can’t! Why Government Fails — But Individual­s Succeed.”

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