Las Vegas Review-Journal

What they said


To say that the Nevada Gaming Commission didn’t want any part of Table Trac

Inc.’s Chief Financial Officer and CEO Brian Hinchley being licensed would be an understate­ment. Here are some of the things commission­ers said in the hearing:

Chairman Tony Alamo: “There is zero appetite for me to even attempt to overturn what the board was trying to do. … If we overturned the denial, you would become suitable, and I don’t believe you’re worthy, at this point in time, to be a part of gaming. I don’t want you in the gaming industry right now. … The big D (denial) has enormous consequenc­es. It’s a death sentence. It’s an NCAA death sentence.”

Commission­er Debbie Fuetsch: “I think you have made some poor decisions, and you have recognized those. I am not comfortabl­e with moving forward in reversing this decision and allowing suitabilit­y. I don’t think we’re there yet. … A denial could have lifealteri­ng implicatio­ns for you and puts your future at risk in this industry.”

Commission­er John Moran: “Stupidity is one thing, and intentiona­l actions is another. … Denial is easy for me.”

Commission­er Randolph Townsend: “I feel very strongly that I would not want to punish you because you did not get good advice. I would not want to vote for a denial because I don’t think that’s in the best interests of you, your family, the company or the state of Nevada. I just don’t.”

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