Las Vegas Review-Journal

Farthest black hole discovered

Astronomer: Quasar provides a unique baby picture of universe

- By Marcia Dunn The Associated Press

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — Astronomer­s have discovered a super-size black hole harkening back to almost the dawn of creation.

It’s the farthest black hole ever found.

A team led by the Carnegie Observator­ies’ Eduardo Banados reported in the journal Nature on Wednesday that the black hole lies in a quasar dating to 690 million years of the Big Bang. That means the light from this quasar has been traveling our way for more than 13 billion years.

Banados said the quasar provides a unique baby picture of the universe, when it was just 5 percent of its current age.

It would be like seeing photos of a 50-year-old man when he was 2½ years old, according to Banados.

“This discovery opens up an exciting new window to understand the early universe,” he said in an email from Pasadena, California.

Quasars are incredibly bright objects deep in the cosmos, powered by black holes devouring everything around them. That makes them perfect candidates for unraveling the mysteries of the earliest cosmic times.

The black hole in this newest, most distant quasar is 800 million times the mass of our sun.

Much bigger black holes are out there, but none so far away — at least among those found so far. These larger black holes have had more time to grow in the hearts of galaxies since the Big Bang, compared with the young one just observed.

“The new quasar is itself one of the first galaxies, and yet it already harbors a behemoth black hole as massive as others in the present-day universe,” co-author Xiaohui Fan of the University of Arizona’s Steward Observator­y said in a statement.

Around the time of this newest quasar, the universe was emerging from a so-called Dark Ages. Stars and galaxies were first appearing and their radiation ionizing the surroundin­g hydrogen gas to illuminate the cosmos.

Banados suspects there are more examples like this out there, between 20 and 100.

Still on the lookout, astronomer­s are uncertain how close they’ll get to the actual beginning of time,

13.8 billion years ago.

Banados and his team used the Carnegie’s Magellan telescopes in Chile.

 ??  ?? The Associated Press This illustrati­on shows the most-distant supermassi­ve black hole ever discovered, which is part of a quasar from just
690 million years after the Big Bang. Light from this quasar has been traveling toward Earth for more than 13...
The Associated Press This illustrati­on shows the most-distant supermassi­ve black hole ever discovered, which is part of a quasar from just 690 million years after the Big Bang. Light from this quasar has been traveling toward Earth for more than 13...

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