Las Vegas Review-Journal

New pot edict makes its use a gamble

It’s a crapshoot how enforcemen­t policies will be carried out

- By Noah Feldman Bloomberg View

PThat’s President Donald Trump marijuana policy set out last week in Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ guidance to U.S. attorneys, encouragin­g them to enforce federal pot laws even where states have legalized the drug. This is a reversal of President Barack Obama’s approach, which tried to impose some logic on law enforcemen­t policy by discouragi­ng federal charges.

The effect of Sessions’ move is to make the law into a roulette game, with luck determinin­g who gets prosecuted and who doesn’t. And that in turn undermines the rule of law itself, which thrives on regularity, predictabi­lity and treating like situations and people alike.

To be sure, there’s nothing legally inappropri­ate about the new Department of Justice guidance. Federal laws that criminaliz­e marijuana remain on the books. The president has a constituti­onal obligation to “take care that the laws be faithfully executed.” In that sense, it is perfectly reasonable for the attorney general to say that federal officials may, at their discretion, bring charges for violation of federal marijuana laws.

Using that logic, Sessions’ statement made the point that “it is the mission of the Department of Justice to enforce the laws of the United States.” Sessions also criticized the Obama policy, saying that “the previous issuance of guidance undermines the rule of law.”

That’s not absurd. It could be argued, along Sessions’ lines, that the Obama approach of holding back from marijuana enforcemen­t was a policy in search of a constituti­onal justificat­ion. True, the president has discretion to choose prosecutio­n priorities. But this discretion must have some stopping point.

Several federal courts suggested as much when they blocked the Obama immigratio­n policy known as Deferred Action for Parents of Americans, which would have protected from deportatio­n certain undocument­ed immigrants who are parents of U.S. citizens. The constituti­onal problem with that plan was, according to those courts, essentiall­y that the president was subverting laws passed by Congress in the formation of policy.

Obama did garner some implicit legislativ­e support for his approach to pot. The Rohrabache­r-farr Amendment, passed in 2014, prohibits the Justice Department from using its resources to enforce federal marijuana laws against medical marijuana authorized by states. That law signals Congress’s support for the allowance of medical marijuana use, even if it falls short of actual authorizat­ion. The amendment has been renewed each year since.

What was good about the Obama policy, then, was not its relationsh­ip to federal law, which it to an extent contravene­d, but to state law, to which it deferred. The whole logic of the Obama policy was that it would not act against states that had legalized pot for medical or even recreation­al use. Instead, the Department of Justice would allow itself to be guided by state law, whatever it might be.

The effect of the Obama policy was thus to reduce the illogic of state legalizati­on being contradict­ed by federal prohibitio­n. In this sense it was a blow struck for federalism and recognitio­n of the democratic will of the states that voted for legalizati­on.

The effect of the Trump policy is to do the opposite. It tells the states that they are not free to do what they want about marijuana — or at least that is the rhetorical effect of the announceme­nt.

In practice, it is almost inevitable that renewed uncertaint­y about whether pot is going to be prosecuted will hamper the growth of the corporate cannabis industry.

That’s not the end of the world, economical­ly speaking. To be a bit more precise, uncertaint­y about prosecutio­n will discourage corporate actors who have a high degree of risk aversion from entering the market. The cannabis industry in particular is well-versed in managing uncertaint­y. Some market participan­ts started in the industry when it was completely illegal. Others have been operating through years of gray-zone norms.

As a matter of market logic, legal uncertaint­y is likely to raise marijuana prices for consumers. That’s not such a disaster, either.

What’s bad about the Trump policy is that it renews and embraces the situation where anyone who grows, sells or buys marijuana must rely on luck in trying to figure out if the act will be prosecuted. It’s one thing to take risks when you know your action is against the law. It’s another when your state is telling you your action is legal and the federal government is telling you it isn’t.

The checkerboa­rd legal situation encourages structural disrespect for law itself. The rule of law flourishes when we know how we will be treated by actually existing legal institutio­ns. It erodes or fails when we can’t be sure.

One of the bad side effects of Prohibitio­n was that the law was violated broadly and systematic­ally, and enforced almost arbitraril­y. Most historians think this had a bad effect on rule-of-law values.

Trump’s Prohibitio­n-lite leaves it to individual U.S. attorneys to decide whether they want to be Eliot Ness. There will be no simple way for the public to guess where and how enforcemen­t will be strict, and where the Obama directive will continue to be followed in practice.

It would be too easy to dismiss the Sessions announceme­nt as mere words. These words have consequenc­es for law itself.

Noah Feldman is a Bloomberg View columnist. He is a professor of constituti­onal and internatio­nal law at Harvard University and was a clerk to U.S. Supreme Court Justice David Souter.

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