Las Vegas Review-Journal

Noah Levrant


When my government teacher informed me about the Sun Youth Forum, I realized it was going to be one of the greatest opportunit­ies offered to me in high school. Being the politicall­y outspoken student I am, it seemed almost obvious to my government teacher and me that I should attend the forum to experience the vast perspectiv­es of other students in this very diverse district.

Arriving at the Las Vegas Convention Center for the event, I sensed I had greatly underestim­ated just how large and diverse the Clark County School District truly is. Just a small sample of students were there, but it was still nothing like I had imagined. The diversity as the greatest part of the day, and my goal was to hear as many different viewpoints as I could.

Given the political climate and the number of tragic events leading up to that day, particular­ly the Oct. 1 shooting, it was no surprise that our group’s first topic was that of gun control. Many students had been affected in one way or another by the tragedy in Las Vegas.

Mental illness became a focal point of our discussion, with several students identifyin­g it as a cause for mass shootings and other acts of violence. Another portion of our room wanted to restrict the type of weapons a person could have and/or the kinds of ammunition a civilian could legally purchase. We addressed other ideas that could prevent these kinds of attacks without a change in legislatio­n, with several students supporting the idea of “see something, say something” to identify people who could potentiall­y cause harm.

Moving on to the topic of torture in the interest of national security, our group’s stances ranged from complete opposition to total support. Many questioned the effectiven­ess of torture, citing psychologi­cal studies finding that torture does not consistent­ly yield true and helpful informatio­n. Some argued that because of these findings and the United State’s role as a world leader, this nation should be setting an example of more moral behavior. Our discussion led to a debate on solitary confinemen­t, which some experts have identified as psychologi­cal torture. A majority of the room agreed that the issue needed to be investigat­ed further before the form of punishment could be allowed to continue.

The final discussion was whether fear had begun to control students’ lives. True to form, our group’s opinions were mixed, but one student delivered the message of understand­ing how to use our fear rather than letting it control us. Her insight resonated with me as well as all the students I talked to afterward and were definitely the defining moment of the entire discussion.

Events like the Sun Youth Forum are essential in making sure that the next generation’s voice is heard. This event will hopefully give these same opportunit­ies to thousands of students following me for years to come. Noah Levrant is a senior at Green Valley High School.

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