Las Vegas Review-Journal

‘Making learning fun’ does a disservice to our kids


IS learning one of your lifelong aspiration­s? If so, here’s a quick quiz that’ll give you some insight on just how open to new knowledge you really are: On a scale of 1 to 10, how well do you understand the functionin­g of a toilet?

Are you more of a “10” — an expert who may have even installed a toilet or two? Closer to a “5,” meaning that you possess a basic understand­ing of the mechanics of the toilet? Or are you simply a “1” — with little idea of how the darned thing works, and just super glad it does?

Sure, we’ve all used one. Some of us may have even popped the lid off the tank and taken an anxiety-fueled peek at the inner workings.

But could you, if pressed, describe how the whole apparatus works? Many of you wouldn’t have the foggiest idea. But — be honest, now — was your initial instinct to rate yourself about a “6” or “5”?

According to Ulrich Boser, author of “Learn Better: Mastering the Skills for Success in Life, Business and School, or, How to Become an Expert in Just About Anything,” social science research has found that most of us suffer from overconfid­ence in our knowledge and skills.

Such overestima­tion of our own areas of expertise is a natural barrier to learning. It gives us the illusion that we know more than we actuallydo—andcanmake­us frustrated when we struggle to build upon what we think we’re already familiar with.

As a teacher, I watch this happen to my students all the time. By fourth and fifth grade, they’ve often been brainwashe­d by their well-meaning teachers and parents into thinking that they’re closing in on becoming super scholars. This is done in the name of building self-esteem.

But though many of my students scoff at the notion of memorizing high-frequency words or multiplica­tion facts because “that’s for little kids,” they’re absolutely indignant when challenged to solve a simple, one-step word problem.

The combinatio­n of reading and math operations becomes inscrutabl­e to them because they simply aren’t masters of either skill and can’t easily apply them in tandem. And, boy, does it ever annoy them to have to practice putting together the “baby” skills they claim to feel so confident about.

Which brings me to my absolute favorite thing about Boser’s book. It plainly states something that teacher-preparatio­n programs, education technology corporatio­ns and practicall­y the whole educationa­l-industrial complex have been trying to deny for years: Learning isn’t always fun.

In fact, a lot of times, it’s hard work! And that’s OK.

“I ran into a math professor who actually put it really well and argued that it being hard is what makes the learning fun,” Boser told me. “I was actually surprised that I didn’t get more pushback on how many times I brought up the idea of cognitive struggle in the book. In fact, it has spurred some great conversati­ons about how we can view the difficulty of learning as part of the enjoyment ; of making the difficulty part of the reward.”

Those words are like manna from heaven to me as a teacher in a society that has convinced education profession­als, parents and, most of all, kids that learning should exclusivel­y be an easy stream of fun, laughs and joy.

It isn’t all giggles. But “Learn Better” offers a host of frameworks, strategies and tips for acquiring new knowledge faster, better and in such a way that you’ll retain what you’ve learned for longer.

Most of these revolve around “metacognit­ion” — the practice of thinking about how you think and understand­ing how you come to understand things. It basically boils down to planning your learning and then monitoring your progress. It also debunks the new, common belief that deep learning can be powered by a quick Google search.

It’s the end of January, folks. Most people’s New Year’s resolution­s bite the dust by Groundhog Day.

But if you’re determined to learn a new language, pass an entrance exam or step up your tennis game (or piano playing), “Learn Better” will help you get there.

Contact Esther Cepeda at estherjcep­eda@washpost. com.

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