Las Vegas Review-Journal

A supercolon­y of penguins has been found near Antarctica

News and notes about science

- New York Times News Service

A new colony of Adélie penguins has been discovered near Antarctica, substantia­lly increasing the known population­s of the knee-high creatures.

“It’s always good news when you find new penguins,” said P. Dee Boersma, director of the Center for Ecosystem Sentinels at the University of Washington, who was not involved in the new study. “The trends have not been good for so many of these species.”

Previous censuses of penguins had come close to these animals, living on the Danger Islands just off the end of the “thumb” of Antarctica, below South America. But satellite images of the islands revealed the pinkish-red stain of penguin guano, suggesting larger colonies than expected, said Heather Lynch, one of the five primary investigat­ors on the new study, published March 9 in Scientific Reports.

After several years of preparatio­n, a team of researcher­s traveled in 2015 to the Danger Islands near the Weddell Sea to do a more precise count on the nine-island archipelag­o. Using a drone doctored to work in the extreme climate of the region, the researcher­s were able to get a precise estimate of the numbers of breeding pairs of Adélie penguins in the region: about 750,000 (or 1.5 million individual­s).

Lynch said researcher­s had already known about a population on Heroina Island, at the northeast end of the Danger Islands chain. Now they’ve found that sizable population­s live on other islands near Heroina.

The greater numbers will help ensure that conservati­on efforts focus on keeping them safe, she said.

“This area falls between two marine-protected areas that are being planned right now,” she said. And until this discovery, the Danger Islands “wasn’t considered a high priority for protection.”

One of the surprises of the study, Lynch said, was that the Danger Islands penguins don’t nest in a circular pattern, as would be expected, to provide the best protection from predators. Instead, they seem to be faithful to individual nesting spots, prizing habit over safety, she said.

— Karen Weintraub

The cells that eat, regurgitat­e and eat your tattoos again

We think of tattoos as fixed adornments. Plunge ink deep enough into the skin and there it will sit, suspended in subterrane­an connective tissue forever.

But tattoos are actually maintained by an ever-changing process — one in which ink crystals are continuous­ly engulfed, regurgitat­ed and gobbled back up, merely giving the illusion of stasis.

That’s what French scientists observed from studying tatted mice. In their model of tattoo persistenc­e, published March 6 in the Journal of Experiment­al Medicine, macrophage­s — immune cells that ingest foreign or unhealthy debris in the body — play a starring role. Targeting these cells, the authors suggested, might help improve tattoo removal procedures for people.

As a tattoo is given, macrophage­s descend to capture invading ink. Probably because the ink granules are too bulky for the microscopi­c Pac-mans to break down, they hold onto the pigment, your body art shining through their bellies.

With time, these original macrophage­s die and release their pigments, which get vacuumed up by new macrophage­s, starting the cycle over, said Sandrine Henri, a researcher at the Immunology Center of Marseille-luminy who led the study with her colleague Bernard Malissen.

This research “shows that tattoos are in fact much more dynamic than we previously had believed,” said Johann Gudjonsson, a professor of immunology and dermatolog­y at the University of Michigan who was not involved in the study.

For years, researcher­s suspected that tattoos worked by permanentl­y staining fibroblast­s, the cells that synthesize collagen, under the surface of our skin.

Then, looking at tattoo biop- sies under the microscope, scientists saw macrophage­s laden with ink globules, and the story of tattoos became one of the immune system. Still, it was thought that tattoo-bearing macrophage­s were stable and long-lived, giving tattoos their permanence. What this study suggests is that, at least in mice, these macrophage­s are constantly being replaced.

The authors speculate that targeting macrophage­s might enhance laser removal, which can take as many as 20 treatments. An estimated 1 in 5 adults in the United States have at least one tattoo, and tens of thousands of laser removals are performed each year.

— Steph Yin

How the shape of your ears affects what you hear

Researcher­s have discovered that filling in an external part of the ear with a small piece of silicone drasticall­y changes people’s ability to tell whether a sound came from above or below. But given time, the scientists show in a paper published March 5 in the Journal of Neuroscien­ce, the brain adjusts to the new shape, regaining the ability to pinpoint sounds with almost the same accuracy as before.

Scientists already knew that our ability to tell where a sound is coming from arises in part from sound waves arriving at our ears at slightly different times. If a missing cellphone rings from the couch cushions to your right, the sound reaches your right ear first and your left ear slightly later. Then, your brain tells you where to look.

But working out whether a sound is emanating from high up on a bookshelf or under the coffee table is not dependent on when the sound reaches your ears. Instead, said Régis Trapeau, a neuroscien­tist at the University of Montreal and author of the new paper, the determinat­ion involves the way the sound waves bounce off outer parts of your ear.

The researcher­s set up a series of experiment­s using a dome of speakers, ear molds made of silicone and an FMRI machine to record brain activity.

Before being fitted with the pieces of silicone, volunteers heard a number of sounds played around them and indicated where they thought the noises were coming from. In the next session, the same participan­ts listened to the same sounds with the ear molds in. This time it was clear that something was different.

“We would put a sound above the participan­t’s head, and he would say it’s below,” Trapeau said.

But when the volunteers returned for more testing, after a week wearing the little molds in their ears, most saw their scores go back up. We’re able to locate sound with our own ears because we know their shape, said Trapeau. When that shape changes, we need time and practice to adapt to it.

The researcher­s discovered that as sounds originate from higher locations, the neurons respond less and less. That means that the neurons are likely representi­ng height by the magnitude of their response.

— Veronique Greenwood

This hummingbir­d chirps like an insect. Can it hear its own sound?

Claudio Mello was conducting research in Brazil’s Atlantic Forest about 20 years ago when he heard a curious sound. It was high-pitched and reedy, like a pin scratching metal.

A cricket? A tree frog? No, a hummingbir­d.

At least that’s what Mello, a behavioral neuroscien­tist at Oregon Health and Science University, concluded at the time. Despite extensive deforestat­ion, the Atlantic Forest is one of Earth’s great cradles of biological diversity. It is home to about 2,200 species of animals, including about 40 species of hummingbir­ds.

In 2015, Mello returned to the forest with microphone­s used to record high-frequency bat noises. The recordings he made confirmed that the calls were coming from black jacobin hummingbir­ds. The species is found in other parts of South America, too, and researcher­s are unsure whether the sound is emitted by males, females or both, although they have confirmed that juvenile black jacobins do not make them.

When Mello and his team analyzed the noise — a triplet of syllables produced in rapid succession — they discovered it was well above the normal hearing range of birds. Peak hearing sensitivit­y for most birds is believed to rest between 2 to 3 kilohertz. “No one has ever described that a bird can hear even above 8, 9 kilohertz,” said Mello.

But “the fundamenta­l frequency of those calls was above 10 kilohertz,” he said. “That’s what was really amazing.”

The findings, published March 5 in the journal Current Biology, suggest that black jacobins either can hear sounds that other birds cannot, or cannot hear the sounds they are making.

Though additional study is needed to be sure, Mello considers it unlikely that a bird would evolve to make noises it can’t detect. Instead, he believes the hummingbir­ds have adapted to the cacophony of their environmen­t by finding their own wavelength on which to communicat­e.

— Douglas Quenqua

 ?? RACHAEL HERMAN / STONY BROOK UNIVERSITY, LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY VIA THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? Satellite images and a drone discovered a supercolon­y of about 1.5 million Adelie penguins living in the Danger Islands near Antarctica.
RACHAEL HERMAN / STONY BROOK UNIVERSITY, LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY VIA THE NEW YORK TIMES Satellite images and a drone discovered a supercolon­y of about 1.5 million Adelie penguins living in the Danger Islands near Antarctica.
 ?? BESS ADLER / THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? French scientists have discovered that tattoos are actually maintained by an ever-changing process: The ink crystals are continuous­ly engulfed, regurgitat­ed and gobbled back up by macrophage­s — immune cells that ingest foreign or unhealthy debris in...
BESS ADLER / THE NEW YORK TIMES French scientists have discovered that tattoos are actually maintained by an ever-changing process: The ink crystals are continuous­ly engulfed, regurgitat­ed and gobbled back up by macrophage­s — immune cells that ingest foreign or unhealthy debris in...
 ?? ANA LUCIA MELLO VIA THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? The South American black jacobin hummingbir­d’s noise is well above the normal hearing range of most birds, perhaps to stand out amid the din of other species in its habitat.
ANA LUCIA MELLO VIA THE NEW YORK TIMES The South American black jacobin hummingbir­d’s noise is well above the normal hearing range of most birds, perhaps to stand out amid the din of other species in its habitat.

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