Las Vegas Review-Journal

Ataxday bonanza

Government­s raking in record cash

- John A. Bauman Las Vegas Charles Parrish Las Vegas

April 15 has long been one of the most dreaded dates on the calendar, courtesy the Internal Revenue Service. Thanks to the weekend and a holiday, however, filers this year have until Tuesday to get things in order. No matter. The federal government will still land a record haul, well beyond $3 trillion of what Americans earned in 2017. But on federal tax day, it’s easy to overlook the massive tax liability imposed on Americans by every other level of government.’s Andrew Malcolm reports that, according to the Census Bureau, state and local government­s last year collected a record $573 billion just in property taxes — or about $1,759 for each one of the estimated 326 million Americans. State and local government­s also pocketed a record $386.2 billion in sales and gross receipts taxes, and $405 billion in income taxes.

Add it all up, and it comes to $1.4 trillion — on top of that $3.3 trillion or so collected by the feds.

The Hotair report notes that the property tax total is up almost $22 billion over the previous record, set just a year earlier in 2016. The income tax haul is up almost $5 billion over the previous record in 2015. Sales and gross receipts taxes rose modestly in comparison, but still came out

$250 million ahead of the previous high in 2015.

And as Mr. Malcolm pointed out, that doesn’t even include taxes on alcohol, entertainm­ent, gasoline, public utilities, tobacco and race track bets. Those revenues are hardly insignific­ant, accounting for billions more.

One would think that record-setting tax collection­s would have state and local politician­s smiling. Think again. Here in Nevada and across the country, state and local government­s continue to cry poverty and seek more ways to separate members of the taxpaying public from their money. Simply put, there is no amount of money that will sate the public sector.

When record high tax revenues aren’t enough, perhaps we’ve reached a point where government spending has spiraledou­tofcontrol.perhapsit’stimetorec­ognizethat politician­s who promise all things to all people have created a looming fiscal crisis — characteri­zed by massive pension liabilitie­s, soaring health care costs and other “benefits” — that can’t be solved by constantly soaking the productive.

Don’t expect state and local officials — in Nevada and nationwide — to acknowledg­e this reality. That would risk their cushy sinecures. But as blogger and law professor Glenn Reynolds regularly states: That which can’t go on forever, won’t. And when that happens, promises that can’t be kept, won’t. One would think that record-setting tax collection­s would have state and local politician­s smiling. Think again.

The views expressed above are those of the Las Vegas Review-journal. All other opinions expressed on the Opinion and Commentary pages are those of the individual artist or author indicated.

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Fax 702-383-4676 of dollars from some government­entity.atwhich timeshewou­ldsurelybe­come a very wealthy illegal immigrant.

Atthesamet­ime,ithink she should have expected things could get rough after you’ve broken into a foreign country.

But here’s the kicker.

She delivered her lengthy statement in Spanish. One of her sons had to interpret her words in English. So Cecilia Gomez has illegally been in the United States for more than20year­shopingsom­e day to become an American citizen … and she still hasn’t learned English. That’s what I call assimilati­on. against the president. Mr. Root and President Donald Trump are the swamp. Mr. Root should face it and get out now, or he will go down withhim.

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