Las Vegas Review-Journal


- By Eugenia Last NEA


Consider what changes need to be made. Boredom will set in if you have been in one place too long or feel like you have stagnated.

Look for a fresh start by trying something exciting. Let the humdrum fade away as you replace the old with the new.

(May 21-June 20): A thirst for knowledge will lead to conversati­ons with people who spark your imaginatio­n and motivateyo­utotakeonn­ew projects. Keeping busy, taking a day trip or attending a conference is encouraged.

(June 21-July 22):

Listen and be receptive to what’s said. What you learn will help you make adjustment­s that will improve your relationsh­ips and reputation. Personal improvemen­ts are favored.

(July 23-Aug. 22): Slow down, observe what others are doing and make your choices based on firsthand informatio­n. Know what


you are up against before you make a move.

(Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Your actions will take precedence over your words. Don’t talk about what youshouldd­oormakepro­misesthat aren’t reasonable. Do what you can without being asked.

(Sept. 23-Oct. 23): Find out what others want from you, and do your best to deliver. Holding back will send the wrong signal to someone who depends on you. It’s best not to disappoint someone in command.

(Oct. 24-Nov. 22): Communicat­ion will clear up uncertaint­y you’ve been feeling. Look for alternativ­e solutions that will encourage you to use your skills and bemorecrea­tive.

(Nov. 23-Dec. 21): Your knowledge and intelligen­ce are your best weapons. Don’t engage in situations that are based on false informatio­n or an unreliable offer. Take care of matters yourself.

(Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Make positive changes that bring you closer to loved ones. Pick up the


pace and do the work rather than hire someone at a premium. Get everyone you live with involved in your plans.

(Jan. 20-Feb. 19): Don’t let someone’s bravado get to you. You are best off rejecting any offer to be indulgent or frivolous with a simple “No, thanks.” Offer suggestion­s or hands-on help, not cash.

(Feb. 20-March 20):

Make personal changes that will leave you feeling good about the way you look. You’ll attract attention, and youshouldc­onsiderano­fferthat someone presents. Romance is in the stars.

(March 21-April 19): Rely onwhatyouk­now,notonwhat someone suggests. Dig deep and get to the bottom of any situation that appears to be unfair. A proactive approach will bring the best results.

(April 20-May 20): Stick to tried-and-true methods and avoid getting caught up in someone else’s dream. Know what’s best for you, and steer clear of someone looking for an argument.


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