Las Vegas Review-Journal

Reforming the swamp

Trump tackles the federal workforce


As president, Barack Obama liked to brag that he had a pen and a phone. President Donald Trump has made extensive use of those same tools. While he’d be better served tweeting less from his phone, Mr. Trump has put his pen to good use.

The latest example came at the end of May, when he signed three executive orders related to federal employment. The first urged agencies to conclude bargaining with labor unions in less than one year to reduce the expense of negotiatio­ns. That’s just common sense. Congress should take that one step further and eliminate collective bargaining for federal employees, a position pushed by liberal icons such as Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Next, Mr. Trump streamline­d the time it takes for an agency to fire someone for poor performanc­e. The process currently lasts between six months and a year. Contrast that with most private employees in Nevada and other states who work on an at-will basis. The idea that taxpayers must accommodat­e incompeten­ce within the federal bureaucrac­y is an insult to those government workers who perform admirably at their jobs. The vigorous protests of public-sector unions to Mr. Trump’s actions is another reminder that unions exist to protect poor performers, not to improve government services.

Lastly, Mr. Trump required agencies to limit union leave time. Union leave time is a sanitized way of saying that taxpayers currently pay government employees to work for their union. Mr. Trump required agencies to limit that to 25 percent of an employee’s work time. He also wants agencies to charge unions rent for using federal office space. Mr. Trump estimates these changes could save taxpayers $100 million annually.

Remember this the next time someone claims the government is undermanne­d or underfunde­d. You’re paying government employees to work for their unions. That’s not limited to the federal government, either. In 2012, a Nevada Journal investigat­ion found that Southern Nevada government­s paid employees at least $4.6 million annually to work for their respective unions.

These executive orders have union officials apoplectic. “This is more than union busting. It’s democracy busting,” said American Federation of Government Employees president J. David Cox Sr.

Apparently, democracy requires bureaucrat­s to have life-time jobs getting paid by taxpayers to work for unions — which are private organizati­ons. Who knew? Union hyperbole is usually a sign you’ve done something right, and that’s certainly the case here.

Good for Mr. Trump. But this should be just a starting point for federal reform. Congress should eliminate collective bargaining for federal workers and prevent union leave time entirely.

The views expressed above are those of the Las Vegas Review-journal. All other opinions expressed on the Opinion and Commentary pages are those of the individual artist or author indicated.

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