Las Vegas Review-Journal

Violent culture

- Susan Newton Henderson Janice Herr Las Vegas

Regarding the Tuesday syndicated article “Video game allows players to re-create school shootings”:

Pilots train in simulators in order to become proficient to fly aircraft. Why would anyone put out a video that allows players to re-create school shootings by stalking hallways and racking up kills? This video does nothing more than teach a child with problems how to kill. Simulators are designed to hone skills.

Just as a plane will not function until a pilot takes the controls, a gun will not function until a person takes control. Maybe we should be looking at the movie industry, television shows and violent videos. Our children are immersed in a culture of murder and violence. Throw in bullying and social media, and what result could anyone expect?

We must create a movement, such as #Metoo, to expose the purveyors of violence and murder who brainwash the most fragile among us, our children, for their own profit. We must put them out of business. Let’s dig deeper than the gun and open one’s eyes to the root of this problem.

Just look to the past. Guns were readily available, yet we had no mass shootings. Think about it. Because the United States had no diplomatic relations with North Korea, Sweden acted as the protecting power for our interests in consular matters.

Most hostages were released only after they “confessed.” I didn’t find any mention of Dennis Rodman getting Matthew Miller and Kennith Brae released. Instead, it was thanks to an interventi­on by spy chief James Clapper. Another hostage, James Foley, was sent home on a U.S. government plane. Regarding Merrill Newman turning down a ride home with Joe Biden on Air Force Two, it was because he was able to fly home the day before. U.S. Embassy officials had already purchased a ticket for Mr. Newman, and a medical officer provided him with medication­s and cleared him to fly.

Mr. Stockman says he is open to learning something new, and I urge him to do further research on the stories of each hostage. I learned some new things, and I am sure he will also.

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