Las Vegas Review-Journal

Suu Kyi defends her military forces

Leader: Rohingya could have been handled better

- By Elaine Kurtenbach The Associated Press

HANOI, Vietnam — Inthefaceo­f global condemnati­on, Myanmar’s leader and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi on Thursday said that the handling of Rohingya Muslims, 700,000 of whom have fled to Bangladesh amid a brutal military campaign, could have been better, but she still defended security forces from charges of civilian atrocities.

Myanmar’s army is accused of mass rape, killings and setting fire to thousands of homes in the aftermath of an August 2017 attack by Rohingya militants on security outposts. A report issued two weeks ago by a specially appointed United Nations human rights team recommende­d prosecutin­g senior Myanmar commanders for genocide and other crimes.

“There are of course ways in which, with hindsight, I think the situation could have been handled better,” Suu Kyi said, responding to questions during a one-on-one discussion at the World Economic Forum’s regional meeting in Hanoi.

She still defended Myanmar security forces, saying that all groups in western Rakhine state had to be protected.

“We have to be fair to all sides,” Suu Kyi said. “The rule of law must apply to everyone. We cannot choose and pick.”

Suu Kyi also rejected criticism over the show-trial conviction last week of two Reuters news agency reporters who helped expose extrajudic­ial killings of 10 Rohingya men and boys.

“The case has been held in open court,” Suu Kyi said. “If anyone feels there has been a miscarriag­e of justice, I would like them to point it out.”

The reporters were both sentenced to seven years’ imprisonme­nt on charges of possessing state secrets.

Suu Kyi said the situation in Rakhine was complicate­d by the myriad ethnic minorities in the area, some of which are at risk of disappeari­ng entirely and which include not just the Muslims and Rakhine Buddhists.

Although the violence in Rakhine state has eased, Myanmar has to deal with its aftermath, especially the repatriati­on of the Muslim Rohingya who fled and the underlying causes of tension that makes them targets of discrimina­tion and repression in overwhelmi­ngly Buddhist Myanmar.

 ?? Bullit Marquez ?? The Associated Press Aung San Suu Kyi, leader of Myanmar, gestures during a one-on-one discussion at the World Economic Forum’s meeting Thursday in Hanoi, Vietnam.
Bullit Marquez The Associated Press Aung San Suu Kyi, leader of Myanmar, gestures during a one-on-one discussion at the World Economic Forum’s meeting Thursday in Hanoi, Vietnam.

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