Las Vegas Review-Journal

Determined, not deranged

- Charles Blow

They told us we suffered from Trump Derangemen­t Syndrome, an emotional and illogical obsession with opposing and unseating Donald Trump. They saw our principled stand against corruption and criminalit­y, against immorality and hatred, as born of hyperparti­sanship and the bruises of defeat.

They were unable to see that our objection to Trump was an achingly particular phenomenon that transcende­d party tribalism and went to the core of who we are as a people and a country.

For us, it was clear: This man was wholly unacceptab­le, as a matter of character. And true patriotism demanded that we say so, without equivocati­on, and unrelentin­gly.

Trump had become the president by a complex web of occurrence­s: white racial anxiety, unease about the possibilit­y of a female president, voter suppressio­n and voter apathy, and an attack on our elections by the Russians.

This presidency has been haunted by the specter of illegitima­cy from its inception.

And yet, the markets didn’t crash. The economy kept humming. We entered no new major foreign conflicts, although we cozied up to enemies and spat in the faces of friends.

The Trump presidency was not the cataclysm that many had feared, but the possibilit­y of damage hovers over us. What would he do if Robert Mueller’s Russia probe inched too close to him, his family or his fortune? What would happen if one of his children were indicted? What if Mueller produced a damning report? What if Congress used that report to begin impeachmen­t proceeding­s?

We know Trump is volatile, uncontroll­able and unpredicta­ble. So, we live with nerves frayed and bodies pushed to the edge of our seats. We know he remains defiant because there are people who support him without hesitation and without question.

This constant state of chaos and anxiety has been exhausting and nearly unbearable, but it is all coming to a head in November.

It will be much of America’s first chance at the polls to show just how unacceptab­le and repulsive we view Trump and his enablers in Congress. It will be the first time to shift power away from him and his cronies and toward people willing to hold him accountabl­e.

And it looks like people are champing at the bit for the chance. There has been extraordin­arily high voter turnout in primary races.

Most of that energy is coming from people opposed to Trump and his corrupt administra­tion.

His already low approval rating has taken a hit in recent weeks with Mueller’s investigat­ion making steady progress: the guilty plea and now apparent cooperatio­n of Michael Cohen, Trump’s longtime lawyer; the plea and cooperatio­n of his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort; the explosive new book by Bob Woodward and the damning anonymous op-ed written by an administra­tion official and published in The New York Times.

This is the worst possible scenario for the president and his party less than two months from Election Day.

As Gallup pointed out last week:

“The president’s party almost always suffers a net loss of U.S. House seats in midterm elections. However, losses tend to be much steeper when the president is unpopular. In Gallup’s polling history, presidents with job approval ratings below 50 percent have seen their party lose 37 House seats, on average, in midterm elections. That compares with an average loss of 14 seats when presidents had approval ratings above 50 percent.”

Trump’s approval rating is at 40 percent, and unlike his predecesso­rs, he is not a normal president. He is a divisive lightning rod.

Democrats are not only likely to win control of the House of Representa­tives; they also have a long-shot chance of taking control of the Senate, although the map is working against them.

Fivethirty­eight gives Democrats a 5-in-6 chance of taking control of Congress and Republican­s a 1-in-6 chance of holding it. Its average estimate for the number of seats Democrats will pick up is 39; they only need to gain 23.

Resistance up to this point has largely been a statement of principle, but when we vote in November it will be an expression of power.

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