Las Vegas Review-Journal

Putting together the broken pieces of Middle East peace

- Thomas Friedman

This week marks the 40th anniversar­y of the Camp David accords — the high-water mark of Middle East peacemakin­g. How far we have fallen since then. It makes you weep.

Rather than a breakthrou­gh, Israelis and Palestinia­ns seem to be inching closer and closer to a total breakdown. Without some dramatic advance, there is a real chance that whatever Palestinia­n governance exists will crumble, and Israel will have to take full responsibi­lity for the health, education and welfare of the 2.5 million Palestinia­ns in the West Bank. Israel would then have to decide whether to govern the West Bank with one legal authority or two, which would mean Israel would be choosing between bi-nationalis­m and apartheid, both disasters for a Jewish democracy.

So many people are acting badly. Hamas is pursuing a strategy of human sacrifice in Gaza — throwing wave after wave of protesters against the Israeli border fence to die without purpose or even much notice anymore.

At a time when the key to any Palestinia­n breakthrou­gh with Israel is for Palestinia­ns to make Israelis feel strategica­lly secure but morally insecure about holding occupied territorie­s, Hamas, with its relentless tunnel-digging into Israel and border assaults — unaccompan­ied by any offer of a twostate solution — does everything to make Israelis feel strategica­lly insecure and morally secure about holding territorie­s.

Israel Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu has been a brilliant strategist in confrontin­g Iran and managing Russia in Syria. But on the Palestinia­n issue, all he has is a PR strategy — he uses all his intelligen­ce to find ways to make sure the Palestinia­ns get blamed in the U.S. for any absence of progress — without offering any ideas on how to separate from the Palestinia­ns to avoid the terrible choices of bi-nationalis­m and apartheid.

Bibi is well on his way to going down in history as the Israeli prime minister who won every debate and lost Israel as a Jewish democracy.

Donald Trump, for his part, is the first U.S. president to have not just a pro-israel strategy but also a pro-rightwing Jewish settler strategy. Seeking to please evangelica­l Christians and farright Jewish megadonors like Sheldon Adelson, Trump moved the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem — without asking Israel for anything in return. The art of the giveaway. Now he’s eliminatin­g U.S. aid for Palestinia­n developmen­t, hospitals and education programs as punishment for Palestinia­ns’ not negotiatin­g on Jared Kushner’s still-undefined peace plan — while saying not a word about continued Israeli settlement­s.

Meanwhile in the West Bank, the Palestinia­n Authority has settled into a strategy of “I am going to hold my breath until you turn blue.” It is refusing to negotiate with the Trump team out of anger and frustratio­n.

At the same time, though, a March poll by the respected Palestinia­n Center for Policy and Survey found that 78 percent of Palestinia­ns believed that the Palestinia­n Authority was hobbled by corruption.

The authority needs a new strategy because defiance and highlighti­ng its victimhood is not working. The status quo is hammering Palestinia­ns but, for now, is tolerable for everyone else. So the authority needs to get back to the negotiatin­g table.

May I make a suggestion?

The Trump team keeps saying it wants to get America’s Arab allies to endorse its peace plan. The Arabs won’t do that if the plan does not meet some minimum Palestinia­n demands, and the Palestinia­ns won’t settle for those minimum demands without Arab cover.

Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinia­n Authority, should go to America’s four key Arab allies — Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates — and propose that they collective­ly say “yes” to engaging Trump and Kushner if the U.S. plan includes two criteria: It calls for a contiguous Palestinia­n state in the West Bank — not a bunch of disconnect­ed cantons — and it grants Palestinia­ns some form of sovereignt­y in predominan­tly Arab East Jerusalem, where 300,000 Arabs already live. (The authority will also have to agree that its state will be demilitari­zed.)

This would give the Arab leaders cover with their publics for supporting a Trump plan and give the Palestinia­ns cover for re-engaging with Trump. It would also say to Trump: If your plan does not include the bare minimum of a Palestinia­n state and some Palestinia­n sovereignt­y in Arab districts of Jerusalem, don’t bother bringing it out; it will be dead on arrival in the Arab world, not just the West Bank.

If the Trump team embraced such a Palestinia­n-arab initiative and made it part of its plan, it would also force Bibi to make some decisions. Because the truth is, Bibi has been at zero on the question of a Palestinia­n state and at zero on the question of Palestinia­n sovereignt­y in Jerusalem. Bibi has managed to keep his obstinacy obscured, though, because the Palestinia­ns have boycotted the talks.

If a Kushner-trump plan embraced the Arab-palestinia­n minimums, Bibi would have to either reject it — exposing his real position — or jettison some of his far-right political supporters and form a new government prepared to negotiate on the U.S. terms. He could definitely do the latter — if he wanted.

“The Palestinia­ns can’t want to lose their governing authority in the West Bank,” notes veteran Middle East negotiator Dennis Ross. “And the Trump administra­tion and Israel can’t want a total vacuum to emerge there, because in the Middle East, all vacuums are filled by something worse.”

An agreement by the Palestinia­ns and America’s Arab allies on their minimum foundation­s for negotiatio­ns, adds Ross, gives Palestinia­ns cover to come back to the table and puts pressure on the Trump team to deliver a credible plan or be exposed as not being serious. And “it gives Israel a partner and some fateful choices to make.”

Say what you will about Anwar Sadat and Menachem Begin and Jimmy Carter 40 years ago, but they came to a point at Camp David where there were only hard choices — and they made them, and they made the right ones.

We’re again at a fateful moment. For the Palestinia­ns, it’s choose nihilism or pacifism. For Israel, it’s choose separation from the Palestinia­ns or get bi-nationalis­m or apartheid. For Jared and Donald, it’s either be serious — and be ready to take a tough stance with all parties, including Israel — or stay home.

Making progress toward peace requires telling everyone the truth, twisting everyone’s arms and not letting any party drive drunk. Not ready for that? Then stick to building condos and golf courses.

 ?? BOB DAUGHERTY / ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE (1979) ?? Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, left, U.S. President Jimmy Carter, center, and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin clasp hands at the White House after signing the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel on March 26, 1979.
BOB DAUGHERTY / ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE (1979) Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, left, U.S. President Jimmy Carter, center, and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin clasp hands at the White House after signing the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel on March 26, 1979.

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