Las Vegas Review-Journal

Trump: No cooperatin­g with congressio­nal inquiry

- By Jonathan Lemire and Eric Tucker The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — As House Democrats ramp up their post-mueller investigat­ions into President Donald Trump, his strategy for responding is simple: Resist on every legal front.

“We’re fighting all the subpoenas,” Trump declared on Wednesday. And if House members go all the way and try to impeach him, he said, he will “head to the Supreme Court” for help.

Trump said his White House would refuse to cooperate with further congressio­nal investigat­ion.

“I thought after two years we’d be finished with it. No, now the House goes and starts subpoenain­g,” Trump told reporters on the White House lawn.

“Look, these aren’t, like, impartial people,” he said. “The Democrats are trying to win 2020.”

“The only way they can luck out is by constantly going after me on nonsense,” Trump said. “But they should be really focused on legislatio­n.”

The Democrats, while debating whether to proceed down a path toward impeachmen­t, have ratcheted up their own probes. The White House, in turn, has moved to stop them, laying the groundwork for what could be months of legal and political battles.

“We’re going to evaluate each request as they come, but we are not going to allow for congressio­nal harassment,” said Trump attorney Jay Sekulow. “And in that context, when appropriat­e, we will respond appropriat­ely — which will include litigation when necessary.”

House Democrats are hardly surprised by Trump’s stance.

A fierce internal debate has erupted over whether to pursue impeachmen­t, a course that Speaker Nancy Pelosi has counseled against. But her party’s lawmakers have already signaled they will vote to hold reluctant witnesses in contempt of Congress and are preparing to eventually go to court to force testimony and cooperatio­n.

Democrats also argue that by refusing to cooperate with Congress, Trump is obstructin­g additional investigat­ions.

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