Las Vegas Review-Journal

Dems’ gloves come off

- By Juana Summers and Steve Peoples The Associated Press

MIAMI — Democratic divisions over race, age and ideology surged into public view in Thursday night’s presidenti­al debate, a prime-time clash punctuated by a heated exchange between former Vice President Joe Biden and California Sen. Kamala Harris.

It was one of several moments that left the 76-year-old Biden, who entered the night as his party’s fragile front-runner, on the defensive as he worked to convince voters across America that he’s still in touch with the Democratic Party of 2020 and is best-positioned to deny President Donald Trump a second term.

“I do not believe you are a racist,” Harris said to Biden, though she described his record of working with Republican segregatio­nist senators on non-race issues as “hurtful.”

Biden called Harris’ criticism “a complete mischaract­erization of my record.” He declared, “I ran because of civil rights” and later accused the Trump administra­tion of embracing racism.

The debate marked a turning point in a Democratic primary in which candidates have largely tiptoed around one another, focusing instead on their shared desire to beat Trump. But the debate revealed how deep the fissures are within the Democratic Party eight months before primary voting starts.

Diversity of candidates

Thursday’s debate, like the one a night earlier, gave millions of Americans their first peek inside the Democrats’ unruly 2020 season.

The showdown featured four of the five strongest candidates, according to early polls.

Those are Biden, Sanders, Pete Buttigieg of Indiana and Harris. Massachuse­tts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who debated Wednesday night, is the fifth.

There are so many candidates lining up to take on Trump that they do not all fit on one debate stage — or even two.

Twenty Democrats debated on national television this week in two waves of 10, while a handful more were left out altogether.

The level of diversity on display was unpreceden­ted for a major political party in the United States. The field features six women, two African-americans, one Asian-american and two men under 40, one of them openly gay.

Yet in the early days of the campaign, two white septuagena­rians are leading the polls: Biden and Sen. Sanders of Vermont.

Thursday’s slate of candidates — and the debate itself — highlighte­d the unpreceden­ted diversity of the Democratic Party’s 2020 class.

South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg, a 37-year-old gay former military officer, is four decades younger than Sanders and has been framing his candidacy as a call for generation­al change in his party. Harris is the only African-american woman to qualify for the presidenti­al debate stage. Any of the three women featured Thursday night would be the first elected president.

Buttigieg faced tough questions about a racially charged recent police shooting in his city in which a white officer shot and killed a black man, Eric Logan.

Buttigieg said an investigat­ion was underway, and he acknowledg­ed the underlying racial tensions in his city and others.

“It’s a mess,” he said plainly. “And we’re hurting.”

One of the lesser-known candidates on stage, California Rep. Eric Swalwell, called on Buttigieg to fire his police chief though the investigat­ion was only starting.

Swalwell also took a swipe at Biden’s advanced age. Either Biden or Sanders would be the oldest president ever elected.

“Joe Biden was right when he said it was time to pass the torch to a new generation of Americans 32 years ago,” Swalwell jabbed.

Biden responded: “I’m still holding on to that torch.”

Left vs. moderate

The party’s broader fight over ideology played a back seat at times to the racial and generation­al divisions. But calls to embrace dramatic change on immigratio­n, health care and the environmen­t were not forgotten.

Sanders slapped at his party’s centrist candidates, vowing to fight for “real change.”

Biden downplayed his establishm­ent leanings. The former vice president, with the other candidates on stage, raised his hand to say his health care plan would provide coverage for immigrants in the country illegally.

Former Colorado Gov. John Hickenloop­er predicted that an aggressive lurch to the left on key policies would hurt Democrats’ quest to defeat Trump.

“If we don’t clearly define we are not socialists, the Republican­s are going to come at us every way they can and call us socialists,” he warned.

Others on the stage Thursday night included Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York and Michael Bennet of Colorado, New York businessma­n Andrew Yang and author and social activist Marianne Williamson.

 ?? Wilfredo Lee The Associated Press ?? Ex-vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Bernie Sanders and Sen. Kamala Harris talk at the same time at the debate Thursday in Miami.
Wilfredo Lee The Associated Press Ex-vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Bernie Sanders and Sen. Kamala Harris talk at the same time at the debate Thursday in Miami.

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