Las Vegas Review-Journal

Sudan wants off U.S. list of terror sponsors

- Byjustinly­nch The Associated Press

KHARTOUM, Sudan — Sudan’s new prime minister said in an interview Sunday that ending his country’s internatio­nal pariah status and drasticall­y cutting military spending are prerequisi­tes for rescuing a faltering economy.

Abdalla Hamdok, a former official of the U.N. Economic Commission for Africa, said he has already talked to U.S. officials about removing Sudan from Washington’s list of countries sponsoring terrorism, and he portrayed their reaction as positive.

He also hopes to drasticall­y cut Sudan’s military spending, which he said takes up as much as 80 percent of the state budget.

Sudan stagnated for three decades under former President

Omar al-bashir, convulsed by a bloody civil war and rebellions in its far-flung provinces. Al-bashir’s autocratic rule ended in April when the military ousted him after mass street protests by a pro-democracy movement, which began late last year.

As Sudan begins a new chapter, getting off the Americans’ state sponsor of terror list is the “key to anything that we can do in this country,” Hamdok said, adding that a “democratic Sudan is not a threat to anybody in the world.”

Still, tensions between the military and civilians are expected to feature prominentl­y in Hamdok’s unruly transition­al government, which is expected to last three years before general elections.

In such an environmen­t, Hamdok faces an uphill battle to carry out ambitious economic reforms, said Jehanne Henry, a Sudan researcher at Human Rights Watch. Henry said Hamdok “has to work with the generals, who could veto things.”

The U.S. named Sudan a state sponsor of terror in 1993, and the designatio­n stuck through the al-bashir regime.

 ??  ?? Abdalla Hamdok
Abdalla Hamdok

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