Las Vegas Review-Journal

Reid warns Democrats about recent radicaliza­tion


If the Democratic Party keeps embracing the fringe left, Harry Reid might have to re-register as a Republican.

In a recent interview with Vice, the former Senate majority leader urged Democrats not to support “Medicare for All” and decriminal­izing illegal border crossings. As recently as two years ago, those two radical ideas would have been seen as extreme among mainstream Democrats. Not now. Many of the party’s top presidenti­al candidates have embraced both proposals.

Mr. Reid said “of course” pushing Medicare for All would make it more difficult for a Democrat to defeat President Donald Trump.

“How are you going to get it passed?” he said. “I think that we should focus on improving Obamacare. We can do that — without

bringing something that would be much harder to sell.”

Further entrenchin­g Obamacare is hardly a GOP talking point. It’s telling, too, that Mr. Reid, one of those most responsibl­e for the bill’s passage, acknowledg­es that Barack Obama’s signature achievemen­t needs fixing. With the strain the program has placed on federal and state budgets, the better move would be scrapping it.

But because he doesn’t want to eliminate private insurance, Mr. Reid now qualifies as a moderate Democrat. Most Medicare for All plans would outlaw private insurance, including employer-provided plans. That would kick 160 million people off insurance plans they’re largely satisfied with and make criminals out of doctors and patients who went outside the government-imposed system.

Then there’s the issue of paying for the largest expansion of the federal government in the nation’s history. Of the prominent presidenti­al candidates, only Sen. Bernie Sanders has the intellectu­al honesty to admit single-payer will require middle-class tax hikes.

Several Democrat candidates, including Sens. Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris now support decriminal­izing illegal border crossing, too. Mr. Reid told Vice that advocating this position would make it harder to win a general election. “People want a fair immigratio­n system,” he said. “They don’t want an open-door invitation for everybody to come at once.”

Mr. Reid’s position on illegal immigratio­n is closer to that of Mr. Trump’s than the leading Democrat presidenti­al candidates, outside of former vice president Joe Biden. Mr. Reid has said he won’t endorse before Nevada’s presidenti­al caucus, but it seems clear he favors Mr. Biden.

Over the decades, Mr. Reid used his considerab­le political skills to push many liberal policies and causes. Now, unshackled by political considerat­ions, Mr. Reid is free to point out just how radical the Democratic Party has become and to chide many of its leading presidenti­al candidates for being progressiv­e extremists. Voters should pay attention.

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