Las Vegas Review-Journal

Elizabeth Warren a gift for President Trump


WHO’S going to defeat President Donald Trump and his booming economy? Democrats have only one answer at the moment. Everyone agrees Elizabeth Warren is their presidenti­al front-runner.

Really? Are you kidding? I’ll get to Warren in a moment. But first, I’ll bet you haven’t even heard about all the positive signs for Trump. It’s a blackout by the mainstream media. That’s why I’m here. To be your Paul Revere: “A Trump victory is coming. A Trump victory is coming.”

Have you seen the Moody’s presidenti­al analytics model? They actually have three models. Their models have correctly predicted every U.S. presidenti­al election since 1980 — except 2016. They never saw Trump coming. But neither did anyone else (except me).

Their three analytics models not only predict a Trump victory, they predict Trump will surpass his 304227 electoral landslide of 2016. Moody’s models show Trump could win as many as 351 electoral votes.

Louisiana held a statewide election last week. Democrats were wiped out at every level. And Republican­s in the Louisiana Senate won a coveted supermajor­ity. While Democrats are talking impeachmen­t, the GOP swept everything in sight.

At the same time, the Republican National Committee raised an all-time record $27.3 million in September. It has $59.2 million cash on hand versus the Democratic National Committee, which is $7.3 million in debt.

What explains why President Trump is doing so well while Democrats scream for his impeachmen­t? Warren. She may be the worst candidate in history. And she’s the best the Democrats have.

Democrats will have a hard time making the case

Trump is a “liar,” while their candidate falsely claimed American Indian heritage for 20 years to collect a $400,000 annual salary at Harvard Law School. That’s one heck of a whopper.

It’s also kind of hard to call Trump a “racist” while Warren took millions of dollars over those 20 years away from real minority candidates.

Meanwhile Trump has produced the lowest black and Hispanic unemployme­nt in history.

Warren wants “Medicare for All,” but refuses to say how or who will pay for it. Even Bernie Sanders (who has the same plan) admits taxes would go up dramatical­ly for the middle class.

Warren will bankrupt you … and she’s dishonest. That’s a bad combinatio­n.

Warren just threatened Israel. She says she will make foreign aid to Israel conditiona­l on whether they buckle to her demand to stop building settlement­s in the West Bank.

By the way, isn’t this one of the things that Democrats are trying to impeach Trump for? For threatenin­g to hold back foreign aid until a country does something the U.S. president demands?

Warren wants pay $1 billion in reparation­s to black Americans — in the name of climate change. Huh?

Then comes the big one. Warren not only wants open borders and free health care for illegals, she also says transgende­r illegal alien border crossers must be released into the United States immediatel­y.

Transgende­r illegal aliens are the first priority of the Democrat presidenti­al front-runner. Need I say another word?

Trust me. A Trump electoral landslide is coming.

Contact Wayne

Allyn Root at Wayne@ Rootforame­ Hear or watch the nationally syndicated “WAR Now: The Wayne Allyn Root Show” from 3 to 6 p.m. daily at 790 Talk Now and at 5 p.m. on Newsmax TV.

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