Las Vegas Review-Journal

Small talk should be a two-way street


DEAR MISS MANNERS: What has happened to the art of small talk? It is, or used to be, a style of conversati­on that exchanges small ideas and small questions, enabling people to know each other better. It should make a person more comfortabl­e.

I was at a child’s birthday party where there were more adults than children. It was a small gathering, and I have known all the guests several years. I asked each person questions about their work, their family, hobbies, etc.

Everyone seemed comfortabl­e giving me updates on their lives, but not one person asked me a single question. They know me enough to ask me about my life. Except for two other adults, everyone there was a generation or two younger than me.

Am I expecting too much of the younger generation?


People who only talk about themselves are a bore in any generation. But as you had the next generation readily at hand, Miss Manners would have switched to engaging the children.


I am a trained singer with many years of experience singing at weddings, as well as general performanc­e.

About a year ago, I helped someone who worked at my daughter’s school, who was in a bind because her singer had dropped out three weeks before the wedding. I offered to sing for her wedding, which she offered to pay me for, since I had to travel two hours.

I was invited to the reception, as well. I gave a card, but not a cash gift, and I feel that I offended by not doing so.

I am now singing for a much closer friend, who has invited me to the reception, as well. I plan to sing for free as a gift to her (and her parents), but since I am going to the reception, should I not also give a gift?

GENTLE READER: Putting aside the point that presents are not, strictly speaking, required, even of wedding guests, Miss Manners asks you to look into your soul — if not your performanc­e agreement — to determine in what capacity you are attending.

Friends and family give presents; paid performers do not. Unfortunat­ely, one can, as in your first example, be both, in which case a present is a kind gesture. She is, however, unconvince­d by the argument that waiving your usual fee can serve as the gift: Nonprofess­ional friends may participat­e in the wedding as well, and their gift is no less valuable. Which is why many performers avoid singing at friends’ weddings.

Submit your etiquette questions to Miss Manners at dearmissma­nners@gmail. com.

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