Las Vegas Review-Journal

Sister brazenly flouts stay-home order



I have an older sister who continues to go out to socialize. She posts photos of herself with friends on social media, despite the current need for everyone to stay home. These are not outings to get needed supplies, nor is she going to an essential job.

I tried to gently mention how we should not be going out, and she insisted it was only to see a few people, so she was fine.

I am worried not only for her own safety, as she is of mature years, but also for that of her 13-year-old daughter (who has a history of pneumonia), her friends who are seniors, and society at large.

Sheliveswh­erethereis­a large population of senior citizens,andalsowhe­re there have been less stringent preventati­ve orders than elsewhere. How does one press such a dire subject for everyone’s safety to someone who isn’t taking the situation seriously?

GENTLE READER: Etiquette cannot substitute for responsibl­e public officials in setting health policy during a pandemic.

Miss Manners does not say this to invalidate your all-too-familiar problem, but rather to acknowledg­e the heartbreak­ing results when we are forced to use the wrong tool for the job.

What she can suggest is treating the situation as you would an irresponsi­ble health choice made by a close relative. Your sister is endangerin­g herself, your niece and her friends: This is worth saying to her, even ifyouareun­abletoconv­ince her.

DEAR MISS MANNERS: When a friend’s daughter got married, I enjoyed seeing her photos on social media and was very happy for her. I sent the daughter a message and told her I would love to send her a gift.

I was a bit stunned when she responded and said thank you, but that she didn’t want a gift. I am on a very fixed income, so sending her a present is not a simple matter for me financiall­y, yet I had really wanted to do it to bless her in this happy period of her life.

Am I wrong for feeling a bit rejected?

GENTLE READER: Sofrequent­ly does Miss Manners hear from Gentle Readers about their frustratio­ns at constant demands for gifts from friends, relatives and co-workers that she admits to surprise at your question.

Remember that your desire is to express your congratula­tions and good wishes in a meaningful and memorable way. Your message may already have done this, but if not, a longer, handwritte­n letter will surely do so.

Submit your etiquette questions to Miss Manners at dearmissma­nners@gmail. com.

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