Las Vegas Review-Journal

Overcome the pandemic isolation blues


Q: I’m lonely and blue after three months of isolation. What can I do to regain a more connected feeling? I’m 68, I live by myself and am not working. — Karen G., New York City

A: You’re not alone in feeling depressed and lonely. Around 35.7 million Americans live by themselves, and since the start of the pandemic, many have had no real social contact. A new study of folks 58-72 found that Covid-related loneliness can trigger depression, anxiety and trauma symptoms, but only among those seniors who felt they were older than their chronologi­cal age. Folks who felt their Realage was younger than their years had no psychiatri­c symptoms related to loneliness.

No. 1 Volunteer — virtually, if necessary. Research published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine found that over the four years of the study, those who volunteere­d for at least two hours per week had a substantia­lly reduced risk of developing physical limitation­s or dying.

No. 2 Stress reduction techniques can help overcome the emotional impact of loneliness and create a younger Realage. Try yoga, tai chi, mindful meditation and massage therapy.

No. 3 Physical activity promotes a younger Realage and improves your mood.

No. 4 Upgrade your diet. A younger Realage requires the right fuel — no red or processed meats or added sugars; seven to nine servings daily of fruits and veggies; only lean or plantbased protein; and drink water, coffee or tea.

Q: I think I had COVID-19 and want to get an antibody test. What ones are reliable? — Maggie T., Portland, Oregon

A: Many folks who had

COVID-LIKE symptoms were never tested for the disease, and it’s estimated that at least 25 percent of folks who get it are asymptomat­ic. That’s why there is such a clamor to find out who has antibodies — which may confer protection from the disease.

Consumer Labs says: “The best performing products are Abbott Alinity, Abbott Architect, Roche Elecsys, Siemens ADVIA Centaur, and Siemens ADVIA Allica. They each provide 100% ID of antibodies and, respective­ly, 99%, 99.6%, 99%, 99.8%, and 99.8% accuracy in saying that no antibodies are present.” Your doctor can order these specific tests.

Since it can take several weeks to develop enough antibodies to be detected on a test, they cannot be used to spot an active infection, and you need to wait for several weeks after your symptoms are gone.

Email questions for Mehmet Oz and Mike Roizen to youdocsdai­ly@sharecare. com.

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