Las Vegas Review-Journal

States may bind electors’ votes

If locally required, they now must back popular-vote winner

- By Mark Sherman The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — In a decision flavored with references to “Hamilton” and “Veep,” the Supreme Court ruled unanimousl­y Monday that states can require presidenti­al electors to back their states’ popular vote winner in the Electoral College.

The ruling, in cases in Washington state and Colorado just under four months before the 2020 election, leaves in place laws in 32 states and the District of Columbia that bind electors to vote for the popular-vote winner, as electors almost always do anyway.

So-called faithless electors have not been critical to the outcome of a presidenti­al election, but that could change in a race decided by just a few electoral votes. It takes 270 electoral votes to win the presidency.

A state may instruct “electors that they have no ground for reversing the vote of millions of its citizens,” Justice Elena Kagan wrote in her majority opinion that walked through American political and constituti­onal history with an occasional nod to pop culture.

Such an order by a state “accords with the Constituti­on — as well as with the trust of a Nation that here, We the People rule,” Kagan wrote.

Monday’s ruling was not about the legitimacy of the Electoral College or an ongoing effort to effectivel­y eliminate it by having states commit to support the national popular vote winner.

The federal appeals court in Denver ruled that electors can vote as they please, rejecting arguments that they must choose the popular-vote winner. In Washington, the state Supreme Court upheld $1,000 fines against the three electors and rejected their claims.

The Supreme Court affirmed the Washington decision and reversed the ruling from Colorado.

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