Las Vegas Review-Journal



efforts than its predecesso­r, which ended an Obama-era policy of typically trying to collect double the amount of wages that lawbreakin­g employers failed to pay workers under minimum-wage or overtime requiremen­ts.

“Just getting back wages in small amounts doesn’t provide any incentives for companies to comply,” said Catherine Ruckelshau­s, general counsel of the National Employment Law Project, which has ties to the Biden transition team.

The Biden administra­tion is likely to revive the Obama approach.

Revisiting labor rules

Union membership, which has dropped to 10% of U.S. workers from roughly double that figure in the early 1980s, could receive a significan­t boost during the Biden administra­tion, which has signaled that it intends to work closely with the labor movement.

Under Biden, the National Labor Relations Board is likely to be far more aggressive in punishing employers that appear to break the law while fighting union campaigns. It can issue a regulation making it easier for the employees of contractor­s and franchises to hold parent companies accountabl­e for violations of their labor rights, such as firing workers who try to unionize.

According to Benjaminsa­chs, a Harvard Law School professor, the board could also seize on a legal provision that allows the federal government to cede jurisdicti­on to the states for regulating labor in certain industries. That could enable a state like California or Washington to create an arrangemen­t in which gig workers, with the help of a union, negotiate with companies over wages and benefits on an industrywi­de basis in that state, a process known as sectoral bargaining.

Helping home-care workers

The federal government, through its control of the Medicaid program, could accomplish something similar for homecare workers, who usually work independen­tly or for small agencies that have little power to raise pay because states set the rates for their services. The agencies sometimes resist union campaigns aggressive­ly for fear that allowing workers to bargain for higher wages will put them at a competitiv­e disadvanta­ge.

A handful of Democratic-leaning states, like Washington, have addressed this issue by allowing workers to bargain with the state for rate increases that effectivel­y apply industrywi­de, eliminatin­g the downside that a single agency would face if it raised wages unilateral­ly.

The Service Employees Internatio­nal Union, which represents home-care workers across the country, believes that the Biden administra­tion could encourage other states to create such industrywi­de bargaining arrangemen­ts — for example, by making additional money available to states that adopt this approach. Hundreds of thousands of additional home-care workers could benefit.

The federal government, under a provision in the Medicaid law that requires states to keep payments high enough to ensure an adequate supply of home-care workers, could also intervene directly to raise wages and benefits for these workers.

“We look forward to working with the Biden administra­tion to make changes to the Medicaid program that can turn home-care jobs into good union jobs,” said Mary Kay Henry, president of the service employees union.

Using federal contract clout

Outside of specific agencies like the Labor Department, the Biden administra­tion will have considerab­le leverage over the working conditions of the roughly 5 million workers employed by federal contractor­s and subcontrac­tors.

President Barack Obama signed executive orders raising the minimum wage for these workers to $10.10 an hour and entitling them to at least seven days a year of paid sick leave. Biden could raise the minimum wage for contractor­s much further — some are urging $15 an hour — while also mandating that they receive paid family leave and paid vacation days, as proposed by Heidi Shierholz, a senior Labor Department official under Obama.

Biden could also use the federal government’s buying power to create more domestic manufactur­ing jobs, a goal he highlighte­d during the campaign. One approach would be to sign an executive order laying the groundwork for a Buy Clean program of the sort that California introduced in 2017.

Promoting job creation

While existing law requires the federal government to favor domestic suppliers in procuremen­t, a variety of waivers allow agencies to award contracts to overseas companies. Biden noted during the campaign that the Defense Department spent billions on foreign constructi­on contracts in 2018, and he has pledged to close such loopholes.

The most aggressive version of this approach would be to revoke a broad waiver that allows agencies to treat purchases from dozens of countries with which the United States has trade relations — including Japan, Mexico and many in Europe — as though they were made in America. Biden has indicated that he is more likely to try to negotiate new rules with trading partners to address this issue.

The Biden administra­tion could also instruct contractin­g officers to broaden the criteria they use to assess bids. A set of contractin­g rules laid out in a 1984 law, along with Washington’s growing preoccupat­ion with spending cuts in recent decades, led administra­tions of both parties to focus on seeking the lowest upfront price.

But the Biden administra­tion could elevate value over price — under the same logic that says a $30,000 Cadillac may be a better deal than a $25,000 Ford Focus. The approach would favor companies whose workers are better paid but also better trained and more productive than competitor­s’.

Biden could set some of these changes in motion through an executive order stating that federal agencies should focus more on quality and working conditions when assessing value. But because executing many of these shifts would be a question of day-to-day management rather than sweeping changes, some policy experts have proposed that the Biden White House create a dedicated office to oversee procuremen­t across the administra­tion.

Anastasia Christman, an expert on government contractin­g at the National Employment Law Project, compares the idea to the White House Office of Faith-based and Community Initiative­s that George W. Bush created in the early 2000s, whose goal was to scour the federal bureaucrac­y for ways that religious organizati­ons could compete for government funds. In this case, Christman said, the objective would be to ensure that contractin­g officers across agencies are using the right criteria in awarding contracts.

“It would help contractin­g offices think differentl­y about how to do the assessment,” Christman said. “How do you ask right kind of follow-up questions? Why is this bid lower than all others? What is that resting on?”

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