Las Vegas Review-Journal

Trump delusion


To all the Trump voters who continue to believe that the election was rigged and that President Donald Trump won, please immediatel­y seek the help of your nearest mental health care profession­al because you are seriously delusional.

Mr. Trump lost and, in typical Trump fashion, he is lying and claiming he won.

But, don’t believe me. Believe Bill Barr, who admitted there was no evidence of any significan­t voter fraud. Believe all the Republican governors who certified the election results in their states, and believe all the court decisions that rejected the claims of fraud from Mr. Trump and his surrogates. A number of those rulings came from Trump-appointed judges.

How many of those lawsuits were there? Sixty? Seventy? Mr. Trump lost every one. The Supreme Court wouldn’t even hear his case. There is a reason for that. There is no evidence of fraud. If there were evidence, Mr. Trump wouldn’t have lost all those cases. Alleging there was fraud is not evidence of fraud. You need credible proof.

I do give Mr. Trump points for perseveran­ce. But it is plainly obvious to any objective review of the facts and the complete lack of evidence of fraud that Mr. Trump’s claims are bogus.

However, I doubt that many Trump voters will agree. So for all you Trump lemmings: If you won’t see a shrink, then I encourage you to enjoy your delusion while it lasts. There will be no tweeting from prison, which is where Mr. Trump is likely headed after New York state legal authoritie­s are done with him.

Hank Schmidt

Las Vegas

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