Las Vegas Review-Journal

Lessons better than ‘helpful’ cut-ins

- JUDITH MARTIN MISS MANNERS Submit your etiquette questions to Miss Manners at dearmissma­nners@gmail. com.

DEAR MISS MANNERS: How can I help my girlfriend learn to use the correct words during our conversati­ons in English without constantly correcting her?


Much like with autocorrec­t, alternate suggestion­s while one is trying to convey a coherent thought are not as helpful as they might seem.

Miss Manners suggests that you and the lady make the lessons reciprocal. Devise a plan to learn each other’s languages at designated times — and not during regular conversati­ons.

DEAR MISS MANNERS: I am a college professor, and students often ask me to write letters of recommenda­tion for them for medical school, or other profession­al applicatio­ns where such letters are required.

I am happy to write them. However, they take time to write.

The students are aware that I have complied when the letters are submitted via their applicatio­n portals, and they receive an email of their receipt. But they will often not even acknowledg­e my recommenda­tions with a simple “thank you” in an email, much less a thankyou card for writing them. This has been ever more consistent­ly the case, and I am tired of writing recommenda­tions without even receiving a thank-you.

Am I asking too much of this college generation? It makes me not want to write any letters of recommenda­tion anymore, but I know this is unfair to the few who do acknowledg­e the time and effort I put into them. It’s impossible to know beforehand who will at least be polite enough to send a simple email.

What would you suggest I do — not write these letters anymore, or just not expect any thanks? Any other suggestion­s?

GENTLE READER: That you have more to teach your former students.

Just because one may be electronic­ally aware that the letter has been posted does not mean that it should go unacknowle­dged.

The one excuse Miss Manners will concede is that often, students are not privy to the content of that letter, and therefore uncertain of the degree of gratitude owed.

You might preempt that — while also prompting thanks — by saying, “I trust that you know by now that the letter I wrote for you has been received. I wanted to let you know that your attributes have been rightfully praised and I wish you success with your admission. Please keep me informed of what happens.” If, at that point, they still do not respond to thank you profusely, then you may privately despair.

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