Las Vegas Review-Journal

Italy in three-day Easter lockdown amid vaccinatio­n snags

- By Nicole Winfield and Andrea Rosa

Italy entered a three-day nationwide coronaviru­s lockdown Saturday to deter Easter travel and get-togethers even as the country’s variant-fueled spike in new infections began to wane.

The government had announced last month that it would place all regions into the strictest “red zone” lockdown over Easter weekend to limit the chances of contagion, taking the same precaution­s it enforced over Christmas and New Year’s.

Travel between regions and visits to relatives were being limited through Monday. Nonessenti­al shops were closed and restaurant­s and bars were only open for take-out.

“People are tired, but they are aware that protecting health is essential in these times,” said Maj. Fabio Palletta, a Carabinier­i military police officer manning a checkpoint in Rome on Saturday, one of many set up around the country this weekend to ensure people on the roads were authorized to travel.

The Interior Ministry also ordered up extra foot police patrols to break up large gatherings in squares and parks, which over Easter are usually packed with picnic-goers.

“I’m glad they are doing checks. It means something is working in this whole mess,” said Amato Monatanari, who was pulled over for a check in Rome.

Italy, where Europe’s outbreak began, has recorded more than 110,000 COVID-19 dead, more than any other European country but Britain. Another 21,000 infections were reported Saturday in Italy, along with 376 dead.

An estimated 87 percent of Italy’s newest cases have been traced to the highly contagious variant first detected in Britain. But the Health Ministry reported Friday that for the second week in a row, new cases had “slightly diminished.”

But because Italian hospitals in most regions are still well over their COVID-19 capacity in both intensive care units and other wards, the ministry concluded that new infections were still “too high … to allow any reduction in current restrictiv­e measures.”

More than three months into Italy’s vaccinatio­n campaign, it has administer­ed 10.8 million vaccines nationwide, though only 3.3 million of the country’s 60 million people have received both doses.

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