Las Vegas Review-Journal

CDC’S dubious advice has eroded its credibilit­y


“M Ypromise is that CDC will continue to follow the science as our guide,” Rochelle Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, told senators recently. While Walensky thinks the CDC already is doing that, her premise is contradict­ed by the agency’s history of arbitrary, dubious and ever-changing advice about COVID-19.

The CDC, which at first dismissed the idea that Americans should wear face masks in public places to curtail the spread of the coronaviru­s, later decided such coverings were “the most important, powerful public health tool we have.” It even insisted that people who had been vaccinated should continue wearing face masks in many indoor and outdoor settings, both public and private.

That advice went by the boards this month, when the CDC decided that fully vaccinated Americans generally do not need to wear masks, except when required to do so by businesses or the government. While Walensky suggested that shift was prompted by new data, the effectiven­ess of vaccines in preventing asymptomat­ic infection as well as serious disease and death had been clear for months.

At the end of March, an emotional Walensky warned that the country faced “impending doom” if states prematurel­y lifted COVID-19 restrictio­ns. Although governors who favored reopening sooner rather than later paid her no heed, the disaster she predicted did not materializ­e.

In April, the CDC published impractica­l, absurdly restrictiv­e recommenda­tions for summer camps, including a requiremen­t that kids wear face masks during outdoor activities, which infectious disease experts slammed as “cruel,” “irrational” and “unfairly draconian.” During her recent Senate testimony, Walensky allowed that “our summer camp guidance is probably going to have to change,” but only because vaccinatio­n of 12- to 15-year-olds is now underway.

Three days after the CDC issued its widely ridiculed camp guidelines, Walensky said “less than 10 percent of documented transmissi­on(s), in many studies, have occurred outdoors.” As critics pointed out, that statement, which was widely echoed by the press, was correct but highly misleading because it implied that outdoor transmissi­on’s share of infections is close to 10 percent — a figure that may be off by two orders of magnitude.

The actual number may be as low as 0.1 percent.

“I always considered the CDC to be the gold standard,” Sen. Susan Collins, R-maine, told Walensky at the Senate hearing. “I don’t anymore.”

Collins worried that the CDC’S excessive conservati­sm “undermines public confidence in your recommenda­tions,” including “the recommenda­tions that do make sense.”

Kavita Patel, health policy director during the Obama administra­tion, expressed similar disappoint­ment, telling CNBC “the CDC’S credibilit­y is eroding as quickly as our cases of coronaviru­s are eroding.”

Sen. Chris Murphy, D-conn., sprang to Walensky’s defense. “I frankly appreciate the fact that we have leaders today who recognize that we still have gaps in informatio­n (and) who occasional­ly may err on the side of caution in order to save lives,” he said.

Murphy assumes that “gaps in informatio­n” explain the CDC’S reluctance to relax its recommenda­tions, that the agency is actually saving lives and that erring on the side of caution means disregardi­ng the burdens imposed on Americans yearning for “normal life.” The CDC’S track record provides little reason to believe any of those propositio­ns.

Jacob Sullum is a senior editor at Reason magazine. Follow him on Twitter: @jacobsullu­m.

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