Las Vegas Review-Journal

■ The U.S. Supreme Court ruled against an inmate in a death penalty case.


MONTGOMERY, Ala. — The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled against an Alabama inmate whose lawyers argued that his trial counsel should have done more to try to show he is intellectu­ally disabled and therefore he should be spared a death sentence.

In an unsigned 6-3 opinion, the conservati­ve majority on Friday reversed an 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals finding and said that a state court had correctly rejected claims that Matthew Reeves had ineffectiv­e counsel at trial because they did not hire a neuropsych­ologist to present evidence he is intellectu­ally disabled.

The three liberal justices dissented in the opinion. Justice Sonia Sotomayor, joined by Justice Elena Kagan, said the majority’s decision continues a “troubling trend in which this Court strains to reverse summarily any grants of relief to those facing execution.”

The majority said the 11th Circuit had misinterpr­eted the state court’s decision as applying a “blanket rule” that inmates will lose a claim of ineffectiv­e counsel if they don’t put their attorneys on the stand to be questioned about the decisions made at trial.

Instead, the state court made an analysis of Reeves’ case, they ruled.

In the state court proceeding, a defense expert testified Reeves was intellectu­ally disabled, based on the theory that intelligen­ce test scores get inflated over time and Reeves’ score should be adjusted downward into the 60s, justices wrote. A state expert testified Reeves was not intellectu­ally disabled and noted that Reeves had a leadership role in a drug-dealing group and earned as much as $2,000 a week, according to the opinion.

Reeves was convicted of killing Willie Johnson in 1996 after Johnson towed Reeves’ broken-down car back to the city.

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