Las Vegas Review-Journal

Supreme Court abandons voting rights


The 1965 Voting Rights Act was one of the most important pieces of legislatio­n in American history. By outlawing racial discrimina­tion in voting and imposing federal oversight in states with histories of discrimina­ting, it finally enforced the 15th Amendment and marked the first time the nation could call itself a truly representa­tive democracy. Until the last decade, the law occupied a sacred spot in the American legal system. In 2006, Congress reauthoriz­ed the law nearly unanimousl­y.

Since then, the Supreme Court’s conservati­ve majority has been dismantlin­g it.

The latest blow came Thursday, when all six conservati­ve justices voted to uphold two Arizona voting laws despite lower federal courts finding clear evidence that the laws make voting harder for people of color. One law requires election officials to throw out ballots that were cast in the wrong precinct; the other bars most people and groups from collecting voters’ absentee ballots and dropping them off at polling places.

Under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, which bars any law that discrimina­tes on the basis of race, the Arizona laws should have been invalidate­d. But the conservati­ve justices dismissed the challenge because, they said, only a small number of people were affected. “The mere fact that there is some disparity in impact does not necessaril­y mean that a system is not equally open or that it does not give everyone an equal opportunit­y to vote,” Justice Samuel Alito wrote.

That is a dismissive wave of the hand at precisely the sort of evidence that Congress told voting-rights plaintiffs to present in court. As Justice Elena Kagan pointed out in a dissent, small numbers can make a big difference. In 2020, for example, Joe Biden beat Donald Trump in Arizona by a little more than 10,000 votes — fewer than the state threw out based on the out-of-precinct policy in two of the past three presidenti­al elections.

Since the court is talking about “mere facts,” the conservati­ve justices might have noted the mere fact that voting fraud, which lawmakers in a number of states claim they are trying to prevent with laws like the ones in Arizona, is essentiall­y nonexisten­t. As one federal judge put it several years ago, such laws are akin to using “a sledgehamm­er to hit either a real or imaginary fly on a glass coffee table.”

That doesn’t appear to bother the conservati­ve justices, who have given a free pass to state legislatur­es to discrimina­te, even as they demand more from voters trying to show that they are hurt by discrimina­tion.

This subverts the whole purpose of the Voting Rights Act, which was enacted because of the persistenc­e of discrimina­tory state voting laws and policies, a point Kagan made throughout her dissent. “What is tragic here is that the Court has (yet again) rewritten — in order to weaken — a statute that stands as a monument to America’s greatness, and protects against its basest impulses,” she wrote.

Those impulses have been on flagrant display over the past several years, as Republican-controlled legislatur­es across the country have raced one another to pass laws that make voting harder — whether through stringent voter-identifica­tion requiremen­ts, limits on early and absentee voting, hurdles to registrati­on, indiscrimi­nate purges of voter rolls and laws like Arizona’s. Many of these laws disproport­ionately hurt voters of color. Already this year, 28 laws restrictin­g voting have passed in 17 states, according to a tally by the Brennan Center for Justice.

The court’s conservati­ves choose to be oblivious to the function of these laws, perhaps because they and their colleagues created the conditions for them to thrive in the first place. In 2013, the court gutted the heart of the Voting Rights Act, Section 5, which had required states and localities with a history of discrimina­tory voting practices to obtain approval from the federal government before changing or adopting any voting law.

Section 5 was by far the most effective way to prevent voting discrimina­tion, but according to Chief Justice John Roberts — who has been working to hobble the Voting Rights Act since he was a junior lawyer in the Reagan administra­tion — the list of offenders was out of date. “Things have changed dramatical­ly,” he wrote in his 2013 majority opinion, pointing to the increase in Black voter registrati­on and turnout in the years since the Voting Rights Act was adopted. It didn’t seem to occur to him that this increase was precisely because of the law. As if to drive home the point, Republican-led states that had been under federal oversight began imposing strict new voting laws within hours of the ruling.

After 2013, Section 2 was the only meaningful tool left in the Voting Rights Act — indeed, Roberts pointed out this fact as supposed consolatio­n when the court eliminated Section 5. But its medicine was never as strong. Lawsuits alleging violations under Section 2 can only be brought after a new voting law has passed, and may have been discrimina­ting against voters for years. The suits are expensive and time-consuming, which deters most potential plaintiffs. Even when plaintiffs show incontesta­ble proof of discrimina­tion, as they did in Thursday’s case, the odds are stacked against them.

This is bad news for upcoming legal challenges to Republican-enacted voter restrictio­ns in other states. Just how bad will depend in part on the outcome of a lawsuit the Justice Department filed against a sweeping new voting law in Georgia. The suit contends that the Republican­s who passed it, upset at Democratic victories in the state’s presidenti­al and Senate contests, intentiona­lly targeted Black voters. Proving intentiona­l discrimina­tion is a high bar, but Georgia lawmakers made the job easier, passing all kinds of restrictio­ns that disproport­ionately hurt Black voters.

Congress has been debating a bill that would restore the heart of the Voting Rights Act by reimposing federal oversight of voting laws in states that have repeatedly discrimina­ted in the past 25 years. Thanks to blanket opposition by Republican­s and the existence of the filibuster, which allows a minority of senators to block a bill with majority support, the bill is a dead letter — unless Democrats decide to end the filibuster.

Even that step would not turn back the anti-democratic tide, which grew into a wave during the Trump administra­tion. In Georgia, Arizona and elsewhere, Republican lawmakers driven by demonstrab­le lies about fraud in the 2020 election are changing the rules around how votes are counted and certified. They are stripping power from officials who did their jobs in 2020 and refused to succumb to pressure from Trump and his allies to “find” extra votes and overturn the results to help him win.

The strategy is so dangerous because it is so dull. It’s easy to be outraged by, say, making it a crime to give voters water while they wait in oppressive­ly long lines to cast a ballot, as the new Georgia law does. It’s harder to get worked up about the arcane machinery of election administra­tion. But these laws are of a piece with the voting restrictio­ns being passed by the same lawmakers. Together, they are designed to keep Democratic voters away from the polls, and if that fails, to deny victory to Democratic candidates, even when they win more votes.

The conservati­ve majority on the Supreme Court shows no interest in thwarting this attack on democracy and protecting Americans’ constituti­onal right to vote. The ball is in Congress’ court, and time is fast running out.

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