Las Vegas Review-Journal

Find strategy to pay off summer ‘revenge’ shopping debt

- By Sean Pyles

The joy of shouting to your friends over the roar of a crowded bar, the giddiness of seeing the world rushing by below you from the seat of an airplane, the weirdly constricti­ng sensation of wearing pants that aren’t elastic — the summer of 2021 brought back many experience­s we had forgone during the past year and a half of the pandemic.

But this push to re-create a world that felt something like “normal” may have brought back another familiar feeling: the anxiety of racking up debt.

If your summer of “revenge” spending has come for a payback of its own in the form of lingering debt, make a plan for paying it off. Then, think about how to prevent yourself from getting into more debt.

Take stock of your debt

Whether you’re back to spending most of your time at home or killing time at an airport terminal before a flight, find time to sort out your debt and pick a payoff strategy.

First, understand exactly how much you owe and to whom. If you don’t know all the details, certified financial planner Pamela Rodriguez in Sacramento, California, suggests pulling your credit reports, which you can do for free.

Using a spreadshee­t, pencil and paper, or a debt payoff app, list your debts. Include the balance, interest rate and monthly minimum payment for each. Be sure to account for all forms of debt, like buy-now, pay-later loans.

Then, dig into your income and expenses to see how much money you can put toward debt and where you can cut spending.

Next, pick a strategy for paying it off. Here are a few common tactics:

■ Debt snowball: With the debt snowball, you channel your debt payoff energy toward the smallest balance first while making minimum payments on the rest.

Once the smallest debt is knocked out, roll the amount you were paying on it to the next smallest debt. As you wipe out more debts, the payment amount keeps growing like a snowball.

■ Debt avalanche: With this method, you pay off the debt with the highest interest rate first. Then, similar to the debt snowball method, once that is paid off, you cascade the payment onto your debt with the next highest interest rate.

■ Balance transfer credit card: If your credit score is high enough to qualify for one, a credit card with a zero percent APR promotiona­l period can help you pay off debt faster and cheaper than keeping it on the original credit card. Be sure to wipe out the balance before the zero percent promotiona­l period ends to avoid paying interest.

No matter which payoff path you choose, it’s important to decide on one and commit. Waffling between a few different options can cost you time and money.

If you don’t see a way to pay more than the minimums on your debts monthly, think about calling a nonprofit credit counseling agency for free budgeting and debt help.

Know your spending habits

If your summer debt was the result of revenge spending, dig into the triggers that led you to overspend so you can avoid sliding back into debt in the future.

For many, that may have been the opportunit­y to experience something that they were deprived of during the first year of the pandemic.

While travel and eating at restaurant­s may be safer for those who are vaccinated, these activities can wear down your budget. Rodriguez suggests finding more-affordable ways to enjoy activities you’re seeking.

“If you can think of the one thing you were deprived of, find a smaller scale of that,” Rodriguez says. “So a smaller scale of travel would be going on a local adventure, and that is so much more manageable financiall­y.”

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