Las Vegas Review-Journal

School Board’s dysfunctio­n reaches stunning new depths


The Clark County School District is a national leader in one area — dysfunctio­nal governance. Unfortunat­ely, this is one instance when you don’t want the Board of Trustees leading by example.

This month, the trustees reversed their decision to fire Superinten­dent Jesus Jara. In late October, trustees sent Mr. Jara packing in a 4-3 vote. Mr. Jara’s performanc­e — or lack thereof — more than justified his terminatio­n. Student achievemen­t continues to languish. His response was to push the district to lower standards.

After the vote, Mr. Jara offered further evidence that trustees had initially made the correct choice. He doled out more than $400,000 in pay hikes for his senior staff. Mr. Jara appears to have been savvy enough to lay the proper procedural groundwork for the pay hikes. But the timing of that announceme­nt was a clear thumb in the eye to the board, the district and the taxpayers.

Mr. Jara followed up that cynical move by demanding a $2 million payout in exchange for not suing the district. He alleged he was subjected to a hostile work environmen­t and retaliatio­n. He also wants more than $650,000 in remaining pay.

But after the October vote, board vice president and swing vote Irene Cepeda changed her mind. “I’ve lost my own voice trying to find middle ground and consensus in a board so painfully divided,” she said in a statement. She blamed the board’s “toxic environmen­t” for her addled response.

Trustees reversed Mr. Jara’s firing at their last board meeting by another 4-3 vote, with Ms. Cepeda switching sides. Mr. Jara has yet to announce whether he intends to stay.

The past month has given the public a clear opportunit­y to see how poorly the trustees are managing the district. There has been personal sniping among the members. Trustee Danielle Ford accused another trustee of being a “phony baloney.” There has been a dispute about open meeting law violations.

At the last meeting, the four board members who voted to reverse Mr. Jara’s terminatio­n also authorized $100,000 to investigat­e concerns about a hostile workplace. The superinten­dent previously accused Ms. Ford, board President Linda Cavazos and Lisa Guzman of harassing him.

These plot twists would make compelling viewing on a daytime soap. But they do little to inspire confidence in the board. It’s more evidence that the size of this district is problemati­c on many levels. There have been calls to break up the district into multiple units. Expect the public to be more receptive to that idea after this debacle.

One thing is certain. Voters must take these races more seriously. Mr. Jara’s performanc­e has left much to be desired, but these School Board members are in over their heads.

The views expressed above are those of the Las Vegas Review-journal.

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