Las Vegas Review-Journal

Political violence is no joke, and neither is public service

- Algernon D’ammassa Algernon D’ammassa is a columnist for the Las Cruces (N.M.) Sun-news.

Would you face discipline if you joked online about killing your coworkers? Likely, you would. Especially if you and your coworkers have had to take shelter from violence at your office within the past year. Humor is found in context. Anyone who doesn’t understand this need only crack jokes about bombs in the TSA line at a major airport and note how the rest of the day goes.

Last week, the House of Representa­tives voted mostly along party lines to censure Rep. Paul Gosar, R-ariz., removing him from his committee assignment­s and earning him a place on a list of 24 members, so far, who have earned the chamber’s second-highest penalty.

Gosar was censured for publishing a video on Twitter humorously depicting himself killing the president and a fellow member of Congress. Gosar and most of his Republican Party maintained that this was merely a joke. Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the Democratic leader, countered: “We cannot have members joking about murdering each other.”

What is the standard for censure in the House? A crude, if accurate, answer is, anything a simple majority says it is. A more complex answer is, whatever crosses the bottom line for acceptable behavior in the U.S. Capitol at a time there seems to be neither bottom nor shame.

If politics is more than a performanc­e and public service is meaningful, then parliament­ary manners matter and censure is a serious rebuke. It might even prompt resignatio­n from the people’s House, or at least an apology. Yet when politics is only spectacle and public service a racket, censure is insignific­ant — another skirmish, a new topic for a fundraisin­g email.

This crisis of meaning was the theme of a speech by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-cortez, D-N.Y., the member whose murder was humorously imagined in the animated cartoon Gosar promoted. Her comment on the floor was a paean to republican­ism:

“This is not about me, this is not about Rep. Gosar, but this is about what we are willing to accept. Not just the Republican leader, but I have seen other members of this party advance the argument, including Rep. Gosar himself, the allusion that this was just a joke: That what we say and what we do does not matter so long as we claim a lack of meaning. Now, this nihilism runs deep, and it conveys and betrays a certain contempt for the meaning and importance of our work here. That what we do, so long as we claim that it is a joke, doesn’t matter. That what we say here doesn’t matter. That our actions every day as elected leaders in the United States of America doesn’t matter. That this chamber and what happens in it doesn’t matter. And I am here to rise to say that it does . ... There is meaning in our service.”

To some extent, the minimum standard of decency in the House may reasonably change with the times. In 1832, Rep. William Stanberry was censured simply for joking that the speaker of the house had presidenti­al ambitions. Such was the standard of decorum in the 22nd Congress. Ten years later, Rep. Joshua Giddings was censured for talking about slavery on the House floor, in violation of a gag rule.

On the other hand, in 1983 two members received the same punishment — censure, yet not expulsion! — for having sex with minors.

Arguably, in a culture where political violence is familiar, it was always distastefu­l to picture political rivals in crosshairs or similarly flirt with violence, even before the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.

Less than a year after that event, it is an ominous sign that a GOP well positioned to lead the House in the 118th Congress continues to wink at images of assassinat­ion.

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