Las Vegas Review-Journal

Rittenhous­e verdict should not be a green light

- Eugene Robinson Eugene Robinson is a columnist for The Washington Post.

The acquittal of Kyle Rittenhous­e was no boltfrom-the-blue surprise, but I worry about what it portends — and potentiall­y encourages. I fear that other self-appointed, heavily armed vigilantes will take this verdict as a green light to act out their bloody fantasies.

The jury accepted the defense’s claim that Rittenhous­e — accused of killing two men and wounding another during a Black Lives Matter protest in Kenosha, Wisconsin, in August 2020 — was acting in self-defense. Perhaps his tearful histrionic­s on the witness stand were convincing. Perhaps Judge Bruce Schroeder’s long-standing reputation as a jurist who tilts the scales toward criminal defendants was a factor. Perhaps prosecutor­s should have put on a more coherent, less disjointed presentati­on from the beginning, rather than wait until closing arguments to offer the jury a compelling narrative.

Even though he was found not guilty of all charges, what Rittenhous­e did should be seen as clearly, horribly, tragically wrong.

Rittenhous­e, then 17, was at home, across the state line in Illinois, when he saw reports of anger and unrest in Kenosha following the police shooting of Jacob Blake, a Black man. Rittenhous­e’s response was to anoint himself some kind of teenage avenger and rush to Kenosha, where he carried an assault rifle that he was too young to legally buy, to “defend” the community against protesters.

He had no idea what he was doing. He had no idea how to keep himself and others safe while wielding a military-style weapon. Rather than play any kind of constructi­ve role, he made the situation far more dangerous for everyone concerned.

Rittenhous­e ended up killing protesters Joseph Rosenbaum, 36, and Anthony Huber, 26, and wounding a third person, Gaige Grosskreut­z, 26. One of the men tried to take Rittenhous­e’s rifle, the defense argued; another tried to attack him with a skateboard; another pointed a gun at him. In each instance, defense lawyers claimed, Rittenhous­e had reason to fear for his life — and therefore had the right to fire in self-defense.

Only in his summation did prosecutor Thomas Binger get to the heart of the matter: Rosenbaum, Huber and Grosskreut­z saw Rittenhous­e as a threat. They, too, had the right to defend themselves, he argued, by disarming, restrainin­g or somehow deterring this wild-eyed kid — a civilian with no uniform or badge of authority — who was stalking around with a weapon of war.

By the time the jury heard this narrative told coherently, it was probably too late. The issue had become whether, in the split-seconds before firing, Rittenhous­e genuinely felt he was in mortal danger — rather than how Rittenhous­e had created danger in the first place by needlessly inserting himself, and his loaded rifle, into an already tense situation.

My fear is that the verdict will encourage like-minded yahoos to take it upon themselves to act as guardians of law and order. In a nation where there are more firearms than people, no good can come of such vigilantis­m. For proof one need only look to Brunswick, Georgia, where the killers of Ahmaud Arbery, an unarmed Black jogger, are on trial for murder — also claiming they were acting as guardians of their community, and also claiming they acted in self-defense.

Unlike in Arbery’s killing, all the principal actors in the Rittenhous­e case — the defendant and his three victims — are White. But since the Kenosha protest was about racial justice and police violence against Black Americans, race was very much the subtext of the Rittenhous­e trial, too. Rittenhous­e became seen as an avatar of White grievance and anger.

“Hillbilly Elegy” author and Republican political hopeful J.D. Vance, who is seeking a Senate seat in Ohio, has portrayed Rittenhous­e as an all-american “boy” who was set upon by “thug rioters.” Vance even called Binger a “lawless thug prosecutor” and added some babble about how “the full weight of the state and the global monopolist­s” played some dastardly role in Rittenhous­e’s persecutio­n.

Rittenhous­e may be young and baby-faced. He may even genuinely cry easily. But if you insert yourself, untrained and unbidden, into a highly charged and unpredicta­ble situation unfolding on unfamiliar streets, and you bring along a weapon suited for mortal combat, you are acting like a grown man. A dangerousl­y misguided one.

He is a “victim” only to the extent that he might have bought into some apocalypti­c fantasy of “the real America” being under siege. The protesters in Kenosha that night in 2020 — Black, White, Hispanic, Asian — were real Americans, too. The streets belonged to them as much as to Rittenhous­e and his fellow vigilantes.

There is a distinctio­n between being “not guilty,” which the jury declared Rittenhous­e, and being innocent in the moral sense. Friday’s verdict cannot be allowed to blur that line.

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Kyle Rittenhous­e is comforted by his lawyer Friday as he is acquitted of all charges at the Kenosha County Courthouse in Kenosha, Wis. The jury came back with its verdict after close to 3 1/2 days of deliberati­on.
ASSOCIATED PRESS Kyle Rittenhous­e is comforted by his lawyer Friday as he is acquitted of all charges at the Kenosha County Courthouse in Kenosha, Wis. The jury came back with its verdict after close to 3 1/2 days of deliberati­on.

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