Las Vegas Review-Journal

The 2021 high school yearbook of US politics

- Michelle Cottle Michelle Cottle is a columnist for The New York Times.

Well, that was weird. Much of the past 12 months felt as though 2021 came about by looking at the political insanity of 2020 and thinking smugly: Hold my beer.

The storming of the Capitol? A second Trump impeachmen­t? Sen. Ted Cruz going hard at Big Bird? Infrastruc­ture Week actually happening? Many of the year’s political developmen­ts defied belief, much less explanatio­n.

As usual, a smattering of people and events managed to rise above, or sink below, the baseline chaos. These notables deserve to be commemorat­ed — and, in some cases, subpoenaed — for their roles in making 2021 so very memorable. As he was last year, Donald Trump was deemed ineligible to compete, as he continues to operate in a political reality all his own.

Biggest Pain in the Butt: Sen. Joe Manchin

It’s not simply that the West Virginia Democrat spent the year obstructin­g his party’s legislativ­e goals. Or that he wasted weeks claiming to be scrounging for Republican buy-in on voting rights legislatio­n. Or that he apparently regards his constituen­ts as a bunch of slacker welfare cheats. It’s that he insisted on being such a pious, pompous, pointlessl­y destructiv­e prat about the whole thing. Manchin should take his houseboat, his coal-company money and his folksy pretension­s and blow them out the tailpipe of that Maserati he was seen tooling around in.

Most Perplexing: Sen. Kyrsten Sinema

We get it: The Arizona Democrat does not want to be seen as a line-toeing party drone. But what she does want remains a mystery to most Americans. Her maverick-without-a-cause shtick ticked off many Democrats, including voters back home, and spawned a “Saturday Night Live” parody of Sinema as a contrarian agent of chaos.

Worst Vacation Planner: Sen. Ted Cruz

When a storm left millions of Texans shivering in the cold and dark in February, the Republican lawmaker and his family promptly fled to a luxury resort in Cancun. The social media backlash was swift and brutal, shaming Cruz into a quick return home.

Biggest Loser: Andrew Cuomo

And just like that, the former New York governor’s brand went from pandemic rock star to alleged serial harasser. Mouthy and handsy turns out to be a bad combo.

Biggest Fashion Icon: Sen. Bernie Sanders

The Vermont curmudgeon’s puffy-coatand-mittens ensemble set a new standard for inaugurati­on chic.

Saddest Holiday Poser:

Rep. Thomas Massie

Nothing screams “season of peace” — and “crisis of masculinit­y” — quite like a goofy, middle-aged Kentucky Republican arming himself and his family for the annual Christmas card pic.

Biggest Glow-up: Rep. Liz Cheney

The Wyoming Republican once was best known as the warmongeri­ng, torture-loving, anti-gay-rights older daughter of the most sinister vice president of modern times. Now, she’s going all-in as her party’s fiercest champion of American democracy.

Most Entertaini­ng Political Feud:

Liz Cheney and Ted Cruz

He accused her of having Trump Derangemen­t Syndrome. She suggested he wasn’t “a real man.” He snarked that she’d make a good Democrat. She slammed him for pandering to secessioni­st wing nuts. This duo has the makings of a red-hot podcast.

Biggest Suckers:

Republican National Committee

It apparently agreed to pay up to $1.6 million of Trump’s personal legal bills — which tells you all you need to know about the state of the party.

Most Contempt-ible: Mark Meadows

The former White House chief of staff has defied a subpoena from the House committee investigat­ing the Jan. 6 attack. For this, the House voted to recommend holding him in contempt of Congress, referring the matter to the Justice Department for possible prosecutio­n.

Most Maligned: Gov. Brian Kemp

Refusing to help Trump steal the 2020 election landed the Georgia Republican on the former president’s enemies list. Now, Kemp is facing what is expected to be a bloody, expensive primary challenge from Trump flunky and former Sen. David Perdue. This may be Democrats’ best electoral news in months.

Biggest Winner: Glenn Youngkin

The Republican governor-elect of Virginia thrilled his party by disrupting the state’s steady drift into the blue column. More impressive, he provided a possible blueprint for other Republican candidates by flirting with Trump’s election-fraud lies while keeping the former president at enough of a distance not to scare off moderate voters.

Most Overanalyz­ed:

Vice President Kamala Harris

Is she dazzling the political world? No. But cut the woman some slack. She’s the vice president — by definition a secondary position, and by tradition a kind of crappy one. One of her predecesso­rs, John Nance Garner, once colorfully dismissed the job as “not worth a bucket of warm piss.” Harris may be a historic figure — and her boss’s advanced age may have people on edge — but let’s dial back our expectatio­ns a smidgen.

Most Destructiv­e: Tucker Carlson

It does not matter whether the Fox News host believes the poison he’s peddling or if he’s just a fame-hungry, money-grubbing opportunis­t. With his COVID nuttiness, Jan. 6 incitement nonsense and general MAGA conspiracy mongering, Carlson may have done more this year to endanger America, and Americans, than almost anyone else.

Most Problemati­c Presidenti­al Relative: Hunter Biden

A Soho gallery debut of his paintings with list prices running into six figures — seriously? Has the president’s younger son learned nothing? This isn’t a Trump-level money grub, but it’s still embarrassi­ng.

Most Delicate Tightrope Walker:

Gov. Ron Desantis

Pretty much everyone assumes that the Florida Republican wants to be a White House contender in 2024, but he needs to avoid looking so eager — or popular — that he piques the envy and ire of a certain former president.

Coolest Dad:

Transporta­tion Secretary Pete Buttigieg

The baby pics of the twins are cute and all, but Secretary Pete really deserves props for taking parental leave and unapologet­ically defending the practice against attacks from sneering conservati­ves.

Most Thankless Job: Sen. Chuck Schumer

The Senate Democratic leader wakes up every morning knowing that he has few tools with which to manage a restive progressiv­e base, an unpopular president, zero margin for Democratic defections, an obstructio­nist Republican minority — and Joe Manchin.

Most Spineless: Rep. Kevin Mccarthy

Desperate to become House speaker if his party wins control of the House next year, the Republican leader has been franticall­y sucking up to MAGA world. Not only has he slunk down to Mar-a-lago to kiss Trump’s ring, he also has taken to basically shrugging off his more unhinged colleagues’ most vile trolling. Paul Gosar posting an anime video of himself killing Alexandria Ocasio-cortez and attacking President Joe Biden? No harm intended. Lauren Boebert’s anti-muslim rantings? Why all the fuss? Such inspiring leadership.

Greatest American Hero:

Police Officer Eugene Goodman

As MAGA zealots rampaged through the Capitol on Jan. 6, Officer Goodman of the Capitol Police lured invaders away from the Senate chamber, where lawmakers were huddled. This man more than earned his Congressio­nal Gold Medal.

Most Desperate for Attention:

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

Can someone at Fox News offer the Georgia Republican her own show already? It’s not as if she has a lick of interest in legislatin­g.

Biggest Lie: There was no mass election fraud. Donald Trump lost. Deal with it.

Happy New Year, all. Here’s to a more boring 2022.


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