Las Vegas Review-Journal

Diet changes protect your aging brain


Q: Both my parents sort of lost it in their late 70s. What can I do (I am 38) to make sure I stay sharp as I get older? — Steve R., Cicero, Illinois

A: You’re already acting smartly! The time to think about protecting your brain from cognition problems and dementia is as early as possible, and it definitely is important when you reach your 40s and 50s.

It’s true that as you age, there’s naturally some brain shrinkage, but you want it to be as little as possible since it’s associated with dementia. The good news is that researcher­s have found an important key to preserving your brain power.

Their study, published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, looked at the dietary habits and brain volume of 20,000 folks ages 40 to 64 and discovered that those who ate a plentiful variety of vegetables, fruit, grains and healthful oils had more gray matter and larger brain volume than folks who ate fewer of those foods.

In the study, the brain-healthiest diets ditched fatty meats, highly processed foods and excess saturated fats, and opted for a plant-centric approach.

Q: I used to get bad migraines, but now in my 50s, I don’t have head pain, but I get episodes of being nauseous, fatigued, and stiff and achy. My doctor says it is all part of what he calls migraine disease. What does that mean and how can I handle it better? — Sylvia W., Santa Rosa, California

A: We finally understand that migraines are not simply a type of headache; they’re a sign of a complex neurologic­al disorder that can affect the body in many ways and produce individual symptoms and patterns of attacks.

Some folks experience the pre-migraine aura of flashes of light or blind spots — that’s called a silent migraine or acephalgic migraine — but never go on to get the headache.

The American Migraine Foundation says that there are also times when a migraine is preceded by what’s called a prodrome, which can trigger tiredness and yawning, irritabili­ty or moodiness, difficulty concentrat­ing and food cravings.

Whatever the cause of your symptoms, it makes sense to become aware of triggers — just like you would do for a migraine headache — and to talk to your doc about trying migraine medication. Triggers may be highly stressful situations, overexerci­se or too little physical activity over a period of three days, certain foods, sleep disruption and hormonal shifts.

Email questions for Mike Roizen to youdocsdai­ly@

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