Las Vegas Review-Journal

Gorsuch calls for overruling ‘shameful’ cases on US territorie­s

- By Adam Liptak

WASHINGTON — Justice Neil Gorsuch last month issued a 10-page concurring opinion that amounted to a plea. The Supreme Court, he wrote, must find a case in which to overrule a series of discredite­d decisions issued in the early 1900s that were based on racist assumption­s and imperial ambitions.

The decisions, known as the Insular Cases, said that some U.S. territorie­s, like Puerto Rico and Guam, are not entitled to all of the Constituti­on’s protection­s.

“The flaws in the Insular Cases are as fundamenta­l as they are shameful,” Gorsuch wrote, adding: “The Insular Cases have no foundation in the Constituti­on and rest instead on racial stereotype­s. They deserve no place in our law.”

The court, he wrote, should overrule those decisions in “an appropriat­e case.” He seemed to have one in mind. Last year, the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, in Denver, relied on the Insular Cases to reject birthright citizenshi­p for people born in American Samoa.

Gorsuch cited the decision, Fitisemanu v. United States, three times.

Last week, just six days after Gorsuch issued his opinion, a petition asking the justices to review that ruling arrived at the Supreme Court. It asked the justices to decide “whether the Insular Cases should be overruled.”

The Insular Cases, issued between 1901 and 1922, said unincorpor­ated territorie­s had second-class status because, as one justice put it in 1901, they were “peopled with an uncivilize­d race” that was “absolutely unfit to receive” the “immediate bestowal of citizenshi­p.”

American Samoa, made up of islands in the South Pacific, became a U.S. territory in 1900. Its residents live in a sort of constituti­onal limbo.

A federal law says American Samoans are “nationals, but not citizens, of the United States at birth” who neverthele­ss owe “permanent allegiance to the United States.”

As the petition put it, “they are citizens of nowhere.”

If they move to other parts of the United States, they cannot vote in state or federal elections, serve on juries or be officers in the armed forces. They can serve in the military, though, and American Samoans have enlisted at a strikingly high rate.

Three men born in American Samoa who live in Utah sued to obtain citizenshi­p, and Judge Clark Waddoups of the U.S. District Court in Utah ruled in their favor. He rejected the federal government’s argument that the Constituti­on does not require birthright citizenshi­p for people born in unincorpor­ated territorie­s and that “any remedy here must come from Congress, not the federal judiciary.”

Waddoups also discounted the views of the government of American Samoa, which said citizenshi­p should not be imposed over the wishes of many residents who fear it would imperil their traditiona­l cultural and religious practices.

The judge instead ruled for the challenger­s, relying on the citizenshi­p clause of the 14th Amendment, which says that “all persons born or naturalize­d in the United States, and subject to the jurisdicti­on thereof, are citizens of the United States.”

A divided three-judge panel of the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals reversed Waddoups’s decision, citing the Insular Cases.

Judge Carlos Lucero, writing for the majority, acknowledg­ed that the cases “have become controvers­ial” and were “criticized as amounting to a license for further imperial expansion and having been based at least in part on racist ideology.”

But Lucero concluded that “the Insular Cases supply the correct framework for applicatio­n of constituti­onal provisions to the unincorpor­ated territorie­s.” Under that framework, he wrote, the plaintiffs were not entitled to citizenshi­p at birth as a constituti­onal right.

Congress is free to confer birthright citizenshi­p on American Samoa, as it has on people born in Puerto Rico, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands and the U.S. Virgin Islands. But the Constituti­on, he wrote, is silent on the matter.

Lucero added that it may be possible to “repurpose” the Insular Cases “to preserve the dignity and autonomy of the peoples of America’s overseas territorie­s,” notably by protecting native culture and traditions.

But in his concurring opinion last month, Gorsuch was skeptical of what he called “a revisionis­t account” as a matter of both logic and law.

“Attempts to repurpose the Insular Cases merely drape the worst of their logic in new garb,” he wrote.

“At bottom,” Gorsuch wrote, “the Constituti­on’s restraints on federal power do not turn on a court’s unschooled assessment of a territory’s local customs or contempora­ry currents in public opinion or academic theory.”

Gorsuch is not alone in criticizin­g the Insular Cases. In a dissent in last month’s decision, which was about the availabili­ty of some Social Security benefits in Puerto Rico, Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote that the cases were “premised on beliefs both odious and wrong.” At a 2019 argument in a case arising from the Puerto Rican debt crisis, Justice Stephen Breyer said the cases had cast a “dark cloud.”

The Supreme Court has developed what Gorsuch called a workaround to avoid the worst implicatio­ns of the Insular Cases, ruling that most constituti­onal rights are so fundamenta­l that they must apply in all territorie­s.

“That solution is no solution,” he wrote. “It leaves the Insular Cases on the books.”

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