Las Vegas Review-Journal

Censors seek to capitalize on Buffalo shooting

- JACOB SULLUM Jacob Sullum is a senior editor at Reason magazine.

WHEN politician­s echo Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes’ observatio­n about “shouting ‘fire’ in a crowded theater,” it typically means they are trying to justify unconstitu­tional speech restrictio­ns. So it was with New York Gov. Kathy Hochul’s comments after the racist mass shooting that killed 10 people at a Buffalo grocery store.

Hochul was responding to questions from “Meet the Press” host Chuck

Todd, who condemned “a permissive culture on the internet” that allows “right-wing extremism” and “white supremacy” to run rampant. Given the role that such views played in the horrifying attack, Todd asked Hochul, shouldn’t “internet companies” be “held responsibl­e for the easy spread of this propaganda”?

“I’ll protect the First Amendment any day of the week,” the governor said. “But you don’t protect hate speech. You don’t protect incendiary speech. You’re not allowed to scream ‘fire’ in a crowded theater. There are limitation­s on speech.”

Hochul is right that the Supreme Court has recognized exceptions to the freedom of speech guaranteed by the First Amendment. She is wrong in thinking that “hate speech” is one of them.

As First Amendment scholar David Hudson notes, that provision “makes no general exception for offensive, repugnant or hateful expression.” To the contrary, the Supreme Court repeatedly has held that bigoted and outrageous­ly inflammato­ry speech, including the sort that influenced the Buffalo shooter, is constituti­onally protected.

Hochul, who has a law degree, should know that. But her allusion to the analogy that Holmes drew in the 1919 case Schenck v. United States tells you how little regard she actually has for the freedoms she claims she is prepared to defend “any day of the week.”

In that decision, the court unanimousl­y upheld the Espionage Act conviction­s of two Socialist Party leaders who had sent recently drafted soldiers “printed circulars” arguing that conscripti­on violated the 13th Amendment’s ban on involuntar­y servitude. While that argument might be tolerable in ordinary times, the court said, it posed “a clear and present danger” during World War I and therefore was treated as a crime.

“The character of every act depends upon the circumstan­ces in which it is done,” Holmes wrote. “The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre and causing a panic.”

Within six years, however, the court began to retreat from the “clear and present danger” test. The current standard for punishing allegedly crime-promoting speech, laid out in the 1969 case Brandenbur­g v. Ohio, asks whether it is both intended to incite “imminent lawless action” and “likely” to do so.

Under that test, it is clear that promoting racist and antisemiti­c ideas such as “replacemen­t theory,” which posits that Jews are conspiring to make whites a minority in the United States, is constituti­onally protected. Yet Hochul seems to prefer the repudiated jurisprude­nce that allowed the government to imprison unpopular socialists.

Hochul’s invocation of Holmes’ analogy makes it clear that she is not just talking about voluntary moderation by social media companies. “I want to silence those voices now,” she said at a Buffalo church.

If “the social media platforms that allow this hatred to ferment” fail to suppress it, Hochul said, “I will use every bit of the power I have as your governor to protect you.” Fortunatel­y, Hochul does not have as much power as she thinks.

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