Las Vegas Review-Journal

What it means to be Christlike


Many Christians in business, insurance, finance, government and education pride themselves on being “Christlike.”

However, today’s definition of “Christlike” seems to hang on the notion of providing service to people in the community through private channels, such as corporate, church, nonprofit and special-issue projects like Ukrainian aid.

Are Christian leaders measuring up to their mentor when they neglect to provide service using public spaces, as Jesus did in synagogue town halls, public gatherings outdoors, and government spaces in the temple? Are they able to lead by demonstrat­ing depth as well as breadth of knowledge?

Jesus was an expert practition­er in health care and law, and was a highly skilled teacher. He was a capable philosophe­r/scientist, economist and historian. He had the history of his nation at his fingertips and used it to comment on current events.

Jesus delivered public commentary and public service on issues such as taxation (temple tax, Caesar’s tax), the role of government (caring for the elderly), internatio­nal relations (legions in Galilee and Judea), labor/ management relations (parables), creditor/debtor relations (Lord’s prayer), responsibl­e use of wealth (rich man), violent factions (Zealots), minority affairs/discrimina­tion (Samaritans), social welfare (congregate feeding), and crime and justice (adjudicati­ng the case of a woman taken in adultery).

It seems that many Christians today are big on serving, but only if through comfortabl­e and nonconfron­tational channels.

Kimball Shinkoskey, Woods Cross, Utah

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