Las Vegas Review-Journal

Woman overhears rude talk about her

- DEAR ABBY JEANNE PHILLIPS Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at www. or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

DEAR ABBY: More than a year ago, I heard my co-worker, whom I consider a friend, talking to another co-worker (who is a gossip) about my belly. I am 30 pounds overweight, and although I work out regularly, I still have this paunch from having had three kids. I am hurt that she would have said anything, but she doesn’t know I heard her.

I always admired her and felt she was a friend to me. Should I bring it up next time she looks at my stomach? I’m having a hard time overcoming the hurt and wonder if I’ve made a mistake by considerin­g her a friend. What do you think? — Soft in the Middle

DEAR SOFT: What I think is that this woman isn’t as good a friend to you as you have been to her. If you wish to tell her you heard what she said and are very hurt by it, you are within your rights. Go for it, because she owes you an apology.

DEAR ABBY: I am a senior in high school. A lot of my friends are going to four-year colleges, while I’m starting at a community college. I can’t help but feel left out, even though my community college plan will save money and allow me to experiment before choosing my major.

Is it OK to feel awkward during this transition­al period? And is it OK to be unsure of what I want to do? — Wondering about the Future

DEAR WONDERING: Please stop being so hard on yourself. You are far from the only young adult who is unsure of what steps they should take as they approach adulthood. Community college seems like a practical solution for you. Bear in mind that your friends’ confidence in their future plans doesn’t guarantee they will end up in the careers they are aiming for now.

DEAR ABBY: My spouse “cancels” me, and I am no longer willing to accept feeling devalued. There has been a serious communicat­ion breakdown. Mid-sentence of almost any topic of conversati­on I begin, he interrupts me with, “I know already,” “You take too long” or, “I’m busy.” Another response is typically, “I’ve got work to do,” when, in fact, he is reading the newspaper or just getting a cup of coffee. How do I convince my spouse this is detrimenta­l to our relationsh­ip, or is getting through to him even possible? — Woman Who Does Not Matter

DEAR WOMAN: What one does in a situation like this is tell the spouse the current situation is not tolerable, and suggest counseling to save your marriage. If your spouse then refuses, you must decide whether to move on, because your assessment of your relationsh­ip is correct.

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